Steering wheel button issues


Active LVC Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Volume up button will change the radio station, volume down button turns the volume up, sometimes the buttons work correctly but not as often as them being messed up. The buttons aren't sticky or damaged or anything out of the ordinary. Thoughts ?
Isn't that what makes the turn signals click off after turning the wheel???? What does that have to do with the radio buttons.
Isn't that what makes the turn signals click off after turning the wheel???? What does that have to do with the radio buttons.

No, it's not. It's the cable that carries all the electrical signals from the rotating part of the steering wheel to the rest of the car. Failures are not uncommon, and there are a lot of threads on here about it.
Okay thanks for the info. The only thing I ever heard about a clock spring is someone's turn signals didn't go off on their own when they turn and they said it was the clock spring. And I figured it's a spring, that makes sense for the turn signal nob lol. I'll research this more though.
The "clockspring" isn't actually a spring. It's a flat-flex-cable wound in a spiral inside an assembly. It's called a clockspring because it looks like the winding spring from an old wind-up clock.
Volume up button will change the radio station, volume down button turns the volume up, sometimes the buttons work correctly but not as often as them being messed up. The buttons aren't sticky or damaged or anything out of the ordinary. Thoughts ?

EXACTLY the symptoms my 2000 displayed when the clockspring failed.


I'm going to go out on a limb here, I have only read the title and not another word, and I can tell you, that there is a 97% chance that your clock spring has begun to fail.

there is also a 98% chance there wasn't any searching done as this is the third most common problem right after coils and overheating.
there is also a 98% chance there wasn't any searching done as this is the third most common problem right after coils and overheating.

The searching on this site is incredibly bad, I just searched for this and even this thread doesn't come up.. I do always search first but I didn't think steering wheel buttons would be a common problem as I'm just now learning what a clock spring even is.
Had you searched you would have found to use this site:lincolnvscadillac ...not the search bar

I'm just now learning what a clock spring even is.



first try, just about every result either talks about the clockspring or even has clockspring in the title. the very first result isn't even this site and the first answer says clockspring. yahoo answers even said clock spring.

this sites search may be sh!t, but google has been working well for many many years.
hell I dont even limit the results to this site anymore, half the results are usually from here any way lol

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