Stereo Guys


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 15, 2004
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Sicklerville, NJ
Question: Is it possible to run a Terk XM adapter and the Kenwood iPod adapter on the same head unit??? Trying to figure out if we're going to have to decide on one or the other or can have both.
OK i posted earlier and my puter crashed at the same time .....

Here are a few question i have for you .....
1 is this the factory headunit....
2 Are they plugging into the same port but youve added a splitter??
3 What kinda of plugs are they???

Ive thinking Ive done the same thing that you are trying to do with another setup the problem I ran into was when plugging both in I had to turn on off and I got alot of engine noise even with a filter but If I hooked them up seperatly I did not have any problems.....

If you let me know what your working with I might be able to help more....

Good Luck

It's a Kenwood DDX8017 and a Kenwood iPod adapter with the Terk XM adapter for kenwood head units.

I've seen something about it saying you can on a Pioneer head unit I have in another car, but can't find anything conclusive on the Kenwood.
Again, this is NOT being asked about a factory HU.

I'll be using a Kenwood DDX8017, Kenwood iPod adapter, and Terk XM adapter for Kenwood Head Units. Those three specific parts.

I know it can be done on the Panasonic head units, as I have one, but I can't find anything conclusive about the kenwood setup.
SilverLS said:
OK so your trying to find this part??? I can ask my buddy at the shop I will let you know tomorrow

If there is such a part that allows the integration of both units. That would be awesome if you could find out. THanks man!

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