Sticker on Trans


Active LVC Member
Apr 2, 2006
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I have a 2001 LS and the sticker says PRIOR TO REPAIR SEE TSB # 00 03
WHAT does that mean? Also it says VOID AFTER DEC. 31, 2000. But my car is a 2001
That's an instruction to the tech/mechanic who's working on the car to see TSB (Technical Service Bulletin) 00-03 (which is an incomplete TSB number) before doing any work on the car. It also tells him to ignore that warning after Dec 31st, 2000, because the TSB will no longer be in effect.

That could have been put on the car at the factory as a part of some running change to address a recurring problem (that's also the purpose of a TSB).

FWIW, your car, being a 2001 MY car, was probably built in calendar year 2000, after that change was made. I tried to look up the TSB, but I couldn't find anything with a number close enough to what you've posted, which probably indicates that it has been pulled.
its just to tell us to see the TSB because most likely they wont supply any rebuild parts prior to the date that tsb expires. If the trans fails before that date you will get a new unit.


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