Straight retarded.. Any advice?

Missing Linc'

Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Just got out of jail, got into an argument with a friends boyfriend, I was cocked as usual, he uttered something along the lines of me being worthless and that all I know how to do is kill people and that he was actually gonna be somebody if he goes to college(hasnt even started yet). So my drunken reply was, alright well lets see how good I am at killing then. This was all in a phone conversation, I pass out drunk, 2 hours later a tactical assault team is at my door and I get a nice shotgun in my face. The damn puss called the cops on me and said Im pretty sure he has a gun. I got charged with threatening, harrasment, and breach of peace. Anyone got any advice or past experiences dealing with anything like this for a noble veteran like myself? One of the officers who arrested me said I should have just gone and kicked his ass instead of threatening him. Oh well.
Get a Mouth Piece (lawyer) to protect yourself, may seem trivial now but some stuff could happen later and compound your situation. I don't think you want to worry about buying a supply of "Soap on a Rope".
One of the officers who arrested me said I should have just gone and kicked his ass instead of threatening him. Oh well.

that is exactly what I was thinking before I read all the way thru.

you probably would have not gotten the "shotgun" in the face, likely would have still be arrested, but.. you would have gotten arrested for "doing something" rather than "saying something".

next time.. keep your pissing match off the telephone and ONLY do it "toe to toe".

Just exactly how were you gonna kill him over the telephone?
we you gonna kill him with Adjectives?
Screw adjectives... USE VERBS!
Did you just say NOBLE! I hate drunk ppl... Give up drinking that liquid crack
Go to talk to a lawyer, Your "friend" if that's what you call him, might drop the charges. Did he sign the papers saying he wants to press charges? Go to the police station find out the details of the case, Was the conversation recorded or is it his word against yours? Did you admit to the police any wrong doing on your half? Why did they lock you up exactly? For all the charges you mentioned or for one charge only? And how did you breach the peace? did he call you or did you call him. All this stuff matters. If this is the end of the situation then let it go for now and you can always get back at him later. I'm never one for sucker punches but thats what he did to you so one day when there is no one around and he doesn't see you coming, you know :q:q:q:q happens. But talk to a lawyer most lawyers will talk to you for free and tell you if you need one or not.
shoulda told them that you both you having an enligtening conversation and you were gonna make a "killing" with some jokes but before you could get around to completing the first joke you had passed out due to the amount of liquor you consumed IN YOUR OWN HOME. Since even if they had the phone conversation on never directed any "killing" towads said "let see how good I am at killing" which in turn can mean you'll head back into the military and earn more $$$ than he is in college, or you coulda meant killing as in a joke, make him fall over laughing. There was no part of that which could be intimidating unless he still wears diapers...and a guy like that needs his @ss kicked. You have an attourney I hope if this guy is a douche but they have nothing to hold against you. Then slap on the reversal and sue him back for anything like wrongful victimization, disturbing the peace, being a douche in public, and Harassment. especialy if he called you :-D
What the hell did he tell the cops to have the ERT (swat or whatever it's called in your area) unit respond? Don't tell me it's just because he told them you had a gun.
What the hell did he tell the cops to have the ERT (swat or whatever it's called in your area) unit respond? Don't tell me it's just because he told them you had a gun.

No idea.. but they were all around my house and at the door were two officers with shotguns and one with M4/AR15 style rifle..
Obviously a stint in jail did nothing to smarten you up.
Your actions were STUPID, and those of someone who needs to grow up.
A course in anger management would be my advice.
Stupid people do stupid things.
Wise up before you are on the receiving end of a shotgun pointed at your face, and this time it may not be the police.
The world already has enough a$$holes in it, why add to that number?
I dissagree. Hell if everyone was nice around here....who'd straighten up the noobs, who's there to pick on whatever I say so we can all laugh about it. Cmon the world has to balance out the @ssholes and the Nice guys...just the nice guys hide in the corner wacking off to comic of japanese cartoons :p
Because you have to be somebody, and being nice wont get you sh!t any more.

It isn't being an a$$hole that will "get you sh!t", it is being smart that will get you somewhere in this world.
As for being "somebody", just what, or who is it you are trying too be?
By your first post, and then the one I am quoting here, I would guess that you are either a late teen, or in your early twenties.
In that case, you really DO need to grow up.
You will learn one day that everything does not revolve around you, and that there has to be some give and take in order to "get the sh!t" you speak of.
Just what was it in this altercation that you were trying to prove?
One thing you didn't prove is that you were smarter than the dude you cussed out.
Look at who the cops came after.
It wasn't the other dude.
That should tell you something.
Like I said above, the world is full of a$$holes.
Why would you want to put yourself in that catagory?
If you think being an a$$hole is the way to go, not only do you have a lot to learn but, you must have a very low opinion of yourself.
You said you had just got out of jail.
Jail can be a learning experience if you watch and listen to what's going on around you.
Obviously it didn't work in your case.
The first thing you did upon release was to get smashed.
That in itself should have told you something about yourself.
I am a hell of a lot older than you, and I can honestly say, "been there, done that" and when I finally saw the light, it was as if I had been hit with a baseball bat.
All the good sh!t I had missed out on by being an a$$hole in my younger days came too me, but much later in life.
Be smart, not stupid, it will go a long way.
You can be assertive without being an :q:q:q:q:q:q:q. That being said, I've done my fair share of dumb things when I drank. Nothing this over the top, but I hope it works out well in your favor.
yeah, I've been a real :q:q:q:q:q:q:q while drinking. That's why I quit for 3 years. I have the occasional medicinal cocktail every once in a while now. But never if I'm sad/pissed. It amplifies those emtions to douchebaggery levels.
I didnt mean I was in jail and then got out and started drinking, I meant it more like hey I just got out of the holding cell or whatever overnight crap and this is what happened. Anywho, Im holding off on drinking as much and Im going for some anger management classes/PTSD meetings, also got a gym membership.. Im starting to realize that between what went on in Iraq and what happened when I got back (wife cheated/got pregnant) I dont have much as far as patience goes so yea well see what comes of this. I was really looking for some help on the breach of peace charge, can they really charge me with that for a phone conversation that he initiated??
It's been 40yrs since Viet Nam and I'm still dialing with sh*t. Stay around other vets and keep attending your meetings(PTSD and AA won't hurt!)
Try and stay focused and "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT"
Welcome home brother. But for now find a good lawyer.And try to figure out what you really did. You wouldn't find a shot gun in your face for a phone conversation!
You really should have just kicked the sh!t out of him and been done with it...


Being nice doesn't get you anywhere... assertive and intelligent but nice??? Come on...

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