Strange noise upon acceleration?


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
New Braunfels, Texas
I am getting a clunk when I leave a stop sign or redlight. Sounds like it is coming from the rear area.It almost sounds like something in the rear is loose or maybe a trans. mounting bracket. I had the trans totally rebuilt last summer. Anyone have any idae where to look? Is there some mount that has a slot that could be sliding when I accelerate?:confused:
turn_on68 said:
I am getting a clunk when I leave a stop sign or redlight. Sounds like it is coming from the rear area.It almost sounds like something in the rear is loose or maybe a trans. mounting bracket. I had the trans totally rebuilt last summer. Anyone have any idae where to look? Is there some mount that has a slot that could be sliding when I accelerate?:confused:

sounds like a mount or bushing.

best bet is to stop accelerating.
look at your rear diff mount. it hooks the diff cover to the IRS subframe. it looks like 2 metal V's that have urethane sandwiched between them. if the urethane is all chewed up or missing completely, theres your noise.
Grifter said:
look at your rear diff mount. it hooks the diff cover to the IRS subframe. it looks like 2 metal V's that have urethane sandwiched between them. if the urethane is all chewed up or missing completely, theres your noise.

Thanks, I remember an article on here a while back about replacing some urethane bushings in the rear, maybe that is the area you are referring to?
probably. there are also bushing that mount the diff itself to the subframe, but i dont think those wear out as fast. i havent had those wear out on any of the 3 cars i have owned (2 birds, 1 mark)

when under the car
twist the driveshaft
if you get even a small amount of rotation
look to replace the universal joint(s)
needle bearings wear under heavy load
the tourque applied by the drivetrain amplies the slack
it will fail ..... soon
also try lifting the rear and spining tires foward and rear
to determin slack in the drive line
remember jack stands !!!!

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