Stuck in snow: engine akwardly vibrating when in reverse


Active LVC Member
Jan 31, 2014
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Hey guys,

Could not last a week before noticing something else I think is unusual on my LS. (I have the 04 v6).

So,a couple hours ago I got stuck in snow after sliding on a spot of black ice and ending up on the side of the road (thank god it did not damage the paint). I tried to get out of the snow and while in reverse I noticed 2 things.

*the car was not moving*
1. While in reverse put not pushing on the pedal (the car did not move it was stuck) I noticed I slight vibration coming from the engine that did not happened to me before.
2. Still in reverse, I tried to unstuck my car and when I was pushing on the gas pedal (was about 3000rpm, did not go over that point) the engine was shaking/vibrating a lot which also never happened.

Maybe it is because the car was stuck and did not move that the engine was vibrating a lot more than usual but I wonder if it already happened to one of you guys or perhaps that you have a logic answer to why the engine was vibrating that much.

Oh and for the futur, can I damage some internal parts by trying to reverse while stuck in snow ? I usually try to stay under 3000rpm while in reverse but that may be too much.

Thanks y'all !
from a guy a little over paranoid about damaging his LS. haha
Did you happen to notice the traction control (or AdvanceTrac if you have that) light flashing while this was happening?
I suspect the vibration you felt was the brakes trying to control wheel spin.
Did you happen to notice the traction control (or AdvanceTrac if you have that) light flashing while this was happening?
I suspect the vibration you felt was the brakes trying to control wheel spin.

I do not remember if I saw it but I did not turn the TC off. So I guess this could be a logic explanation because around 3000rpm spinning on ice the TC should normally come on. The thing is, while trying to get unstuck the car was literally shaking from what's possibly the engine vibration or now that you mention it the TC. Can the TC coming on cause that much vibration though?
reverse has a rev limiter(along with park and neutral )... right around 3k RPM...

so engine has power, then engine doesn't' have power, then engine has power.........

every time I've ever had to have somebody help push my stuck LS, they have told me that something must be broke because my car was running like sh!t and shaking/vibrating...
Did not know that reverse had a rev limiter. Thanks for the answer, I'm reassured now haha
reverse has a rev limiter(along with park and neutral )... right around 3k RPM...

so engine has power, then engine doesn't' have power, then engine has power.........

every time I've ever had to have somebody help push my stuck LS, they have told me that something must be broke because my car was running like sh!t and shaking/vibrating...

I can't really recall my Gen 1 having a reverse limiter, but then again, ~20mph in reverse isn't exactly the best time to look the wrong direction in a [temporarily] rear-steering vehicle. I have yet to get stuck in the snow, though. I've gotten out in less than 3 rockings so far. The chin spoiler is more of a handicap than the open diff, especially with relatively harmless snow chunks in the road icing over every night in the northeast
Did not know that reverse had a rev limiter. Thanks for the answer, I'm reassured now haha

remember my video where I floor it going in reverse and hits the limiter?
Hehehe, gotta try that limiter in both forward and reverse. live a little.
Just for the record, I didn't post my annoying video, you did this time, I'm good with it though but yeah limiter in reverse as well.
Hehehe, gotta try that limiter in both forward and reverse. live a little.
Just for the record, I didn't post my annoying video, you did this time, I'm good with it though but yeah limiter in reverse as well.

All I'm saying is put the video's title's subject matter in the beginning. You can put all the music and montages you want afterwards :)<3
So your saying, skip all the foreplay, ok got it, mental note to self, Frankie likes all the meat up front!

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