LVC Member
Took my 02 V8 LS in for a $118 coolant exchange flush @ 134k mi. When I got home I noticed coolant leaking in driveway, I thought nothing of it since it just got changed. Well 90 miles later my car overheated on a bridge. Come to find out my resvoir tank busted and had no water or coolant. Called the dealership and told them they what happened. THey paid for the tow back to the dealership and I got a call confirming the tank busted and it would be $515 to replace the tank and for a cap. $194 for the tank $11 for the cap (and get this, they would waive the $18 fee to refill the fluids) (the rest labor cost)!!!! Im soo pissed. Bastards. I only went to the dealership because I needed something else done that they only could do in my town. Bull Crap. Thanks for letting me vent.