such a performance O2 sensor?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 21, 2004
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I needs me to replace'n my O2's. I just replaced them 13k ago, and im kinda confused as to why they died so quick. I was just wondering if there is a performance O2 sensor, or a generally prefered O2 sensor for the mark?


(my video will be finished once i get em in and get some good burnout vid clips)
I've never heard of such a thing. The point of having them is to get an accurate measurement of the exhaust gasses for the engine computer.

It's possible that some company makes a something called a "performance" O2 sensor to entice eager buyers, but there's a good chance that it won't work any better than a normal one.

I suggest sticking with OEM replacement sensors.

FYI, Motorcraft oxygen sensors are really Bosch sensors packaged in a Ford box, so get whichever one is cheaper.

Just steer clear of universal 02 sensors; they aren't as accurate as the ones made for the car.
Ditto here. Always use OEM when it comes to stuff like that. School_Zone is right about the Bosch thing. If your's keep going out you have other problems that you have to fix before you stop eating O2 sensors. Check for plugged cats, do a vacuum test to determine if your exhaust is plugged up. Vacuum leaks can cause that sort of problem. Also might run the comp for codes. There are a lot of sensors that come into play in the fuel management system which can reak havoc if they aren't functioning properly.

I am new here so I hope I can post properly.
I own a shop in Jacksonville NC and we specialize in computer controled systems and drivability problems.
Why do you think you need new oxygen sensors. I have never seen one fail in such a short time no matter how cheap it was. I would say about 75% of oxygen sensors replaced did not need replaced. Just because it has an O2 code does not mean it needs a new O2. It means your O2 is out of range. Usually meaning the vehicle is running too rich or too lean. You need to find out why the O2 is reading or not reading what it is before you should repplace it.

OEM is the only way to go boush are junk I got a set put them in and they did not work so I took them back (life time free replacement) 8 sets later I wanted my money back. try geting you money back from boush youd think I asked for a million dollers.

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