Summer Meet! Starting to Heat up!!!


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
Reaction score
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Hey everyone! Check out the midwest thread about the
July 14th - 16th Meet
Lots of interest from all over LvC!

Lets get someone from every corner of LvC!

All are Welcome

Link to Thread

Starting this early so more distant members can start making plans,
Start putting away travel money
(Tax returns are coming)
Ray I would be honored if you could make it to this meet!

If anyone would like to fly in for the meet. Arrangement can be made to pick you up from Chicago, Milwaukee, or Madison WI. PM me for details if you would like to be picked up.

Arrangements should be made at least 2 weeks before the meet.
Yes it is shaping up to be a great meet, come on people plan on being there , that includes you too Joey :D
All Boscobel Motels are Booked for the Weekend of this meet! Weddings, the Beach Party, and a Motor Cycle Meet
So!!! I found a place that has 23 rooms and most sitll open

This place is open yet and only 10 miles away from Boscobel.
Fennimore Hills Motel - 608-822-3281

$66 per room - 23 rooms all open
$117 per Suite - 7 suites

If more 5 or more rooms are booked they will give a discount Ask for Dale tell him you are part of the LvC Group Discount - $60 per room I forgot to ask about the suites but I would guess they'll be discounted also.

Book now they will not charge your credit card until you arrive.
More people need to show up at the meet so LVC can be the largest group there :cool:

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