Super Bowl predictions


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 20, 2005
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I know preseason gives no foresight to the regular season, but who do you guys think will be in the Super Bowl this year? I'm saying Falcons and Patriots with the Patriots coming out on top.
just dont say 49ers couse they dont have no luck this year sorry but had to say that after hat happend the othere day
Dream on, Eagles don't have a chance against Atlanta this year with all the drama around their camp!!!
Atlanta sucked mud last year and they will suck mud this year. :biggrin: Go Eagles
You're right, making it to the playoffs really sucked. Eagles will blow, and your star player even said he wants to play here...... He knows talent when he sees it!! :)
LOL, let's just wait until Monday Night in Atlanta, then we'll see who has no talent.

PS. it's McNabb
oh man, you're one funny dude pepp!!!! What talent??? Ever heard of Vick, schaub, ducket, brooking, crumpler, davis, dunn, kerney, and price?? I guess not. We're going o bring it to you guys!! Vick will run circles around McNabb all day long!!! I'm thinking we should trade you Schaub for T.O. He'd do much better here than in Philly!!!
yeah, but preseason doesn't really matter. It's not a good depiction of the regular season.
MAllen82 said:
yeah, but preseason doesn't really matter. It's not a good depiction of the regular season.
Truer words have never been spoken.
I think Philly in Atlanta for the first monday night game will be one of the most important games because we all know the Patriots are going, so it's just the NFC. And IMHO it's either Philly or Atlanta, but of course, I'm from Atlanta, so I say Atlanta...... :)

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