Supra Twin Turbo

Did I miss something...?

What is a Ford Ka doing here anyway?

And aren't passengers supposed to wear a helmet no matter what ET/trap at an NHRA track?
With numbers like that, I hope he had a fire extinguisher in the car too.
You need to wear a helmet if your car runs faster than 14.0. Otherwise it's not required. You also can't have a passenger if the car runs faster than 14.0.
98LSC32V said:
You need to wear a helmet if your car runs faster than 14.0. Otherwise it's not required. You also can't have a passenger if the car runs faster than 14.0.

I'll ask at the tech booth on Saturday (if it doesn't get rained out,) but I'm pretty sure a passenger is required to wear a helmet at any ET (obviously 13.99& faster does not apply.) Then again tracks bend the rules quite a bit when they want to.

But anyway, why is this in the political section? I haven't figured it out yet. Is it because the self important right side crapped out and the "every man" left won? :p ;) :rolleyes: :D :eek: :cool:
If you had to ask, you obviously couldn't and wouldn't EVER figure it out.:rolleyes:

It is for your buddy RRocket to enjoy.

After all , he owns a mighty nice twin-turbo Supra himself.:p
If a Ford KA is all you need, maybe you should buy least you'd have a chance against me.....:)

I noticed the KA runs about the same in the 1/4 as a Mark VIII....better watch out for one of those things, Bryan.. :)

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