survey says....

Who isn't poor in this economy - oh, wait...I know this...the Democrat politicians who spent $4400 per person to go to Copenhagen.

Nevermind the 6 republicans that went also, both sides of the house are screwed, I think America would be better off voting having Ed "the whino" as president. America isn't poor, we just forgot how to hustle, we got so used to working "9 to 5's".

* Nancy Pelosi’s husband
* James Sensenbrenner’s wife
* Ed Markey’s wife
* Charlie Rangel (Ways and Means??)
* Joe Barton’s daughter
* Jay Inslee’s wife
* Shelley Moore Capito’s husband
* Gabrielle Giffords’ husband
* 31 “unnamed Senate staff” on top of dozens of named staffers

Members online
