suspension 1988 tc


LVC Member
Nov 17, 2004
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san jose
i have a 1988 lincoln town car, and i am wondering what the easiest way to drop the rear a couple of inches is, if someone could explain to me in detail that would be great. is it possible to release the air out of the air suspension to lower it? thanks
I can't say for sure if this will work, but I had a Riviera with air susp. and I just shortened the link from the axle to the air pump switch.The pump and shocks worked like they were supposed to, they just didn't raise it as high.However the ride may be affected and it may not be possible to lower it as far as you want.I'm also not real sure about the settup on your TC.Its an idea though.This also works real well for raising rear ends.
if you have a manually adjustable air suspension, you can just let some air out of the purge valve. It looks like the kind of valve on your tires. Just let the air out, and the rear will sink down between two and five inches. The ride will be a little bouncier, but it will be lowered nonetheless.
caddyshack17901 said:
by the way, the valve is either by your gas filler door or in the trunk by the compressor.

well its not by my gas filler door, where in the trunk is the compressor?
Your compressor is if I remember correctly under the air filter box on the drivers side.
Hi Godnmbrseven

88 Town Cars didn't have Air Suspension like the later 90s Town Cars, they only had optional air assisted shock abourbers, you can adjust the ride hieght a little by moving the hieght sensor mount to the lower of the three mounting positions.


godnmbrseven said:
where is the height sensor mount located?

On the rear axle, fairly near the center if it's the same as my 86. There will be a wiring harness coming down from what is the trunk to it. I'm not sure if messing with the ride height sensor will gve you what you want though. It will make the rear lower, but the front will remain at the same height, which might make it look like your car is going uphill all the time.
gadget73 said:
On the rear axle, fairly near the center if it's the same as my 86. There will be a wiring harness coming down from what is the trunk to it. I'm not sure if messing with the ride height sensor will gve you what you want though. It will make the rear lower, but the front will remain at the same height, which might make it look like your car is going uphill all the time.

yeah im kinda lookin to get that look actually, what do i need to do with it in order to make the rear lower, is it safe doing it while crawling under the car, what would i need, if someone could explain to me in detail what to do, that would be great, thanks
actually i see what needs to be done, but is it safe to do it while crawling under the car, or will the car drop as im adjusting it?

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