suspension help!!!!!!!


Active LVC Member
Nov 28, 2005
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I have a 1994 lincoln Mark VIII the suspension wont pump up I put a brand new compresser and drier in and still nothing I get a check suspension message as soon as i turn the key so I need what ever it is keeping me grounded.any ideas and if so do you have the part.
br94mk8 said:
I have a 1994 lincoln Mark VIII the suspension wont pump up I put a brand new compresser and drier in and still nothing I get a check suspension message as soon as i turn the key so I need what ever it is keeping me grounded.any ideas and if so do you have the part.
any help would be really helpful im stuck for now
The module does a quick once over of the system on startup. If it "see's" something out of range, it doesn't know what to do. This could be a relay, sensor or even in the wiring. If your getting a check suspension message as soon as you crank the car, the module is detecting a problem in the system somewhere.

To get going again, your going to need to pull the code(s) to know where to start. If you would like, I can send you a loaner Star Tester to get the code(s). Just let me know.

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