ok, lets see. First, in the summer my bags leaked and finally broke and i had driven the car for quite a fiew miles like that (4k). that was "fixed" with new bags and solenoids and compressor from arnott inc. then about a month later i go start up the car, and i hear a LOUD pop! and the suspension slowly deflates.so i take it back in to the shop to have them fix it again. so i was told that it was my new compressor, that it was defective, and that the soleinoid broke (which "was" the pop) and that it was just leaking air and compressing air out into space. not going into the bags at all. so he put my old compressor back in the car and it was fixed. so i take the car home about 25 miles on the interstate at about 80-85mph and as soon as i get past 55 for about a min (im guessing it was 1:30, the time that the compressor works at a time) i got a msg in the computer display saying check air ride suspension. i didnt realy think much of it, because i was just happy to havethe car back. so, i let it sit over night. the next day, i go take it for a test drive out on the interstate again for about 75 miles at about 55-90mph. i got 3 msg's during that trip about the suspension. i went home and parked the car for the day, and night. In the morning (christmas day) i go out and the front is down AGAIN! I listen to the compressor, and it is NOT leaking air out,its just not going into the bags. so today, i didnt want to flatbed it again because of a bad experience last time (they broke my front bumper and drove off with my driver's window down in the rain), so i tried to remidy the situiation. i took my jack and lifted the car's weight off the bag, thinking that it would fill up, and id turn off the suspension so all the air would stay in the bag. it kinda worked, but did not get the car more than a fiew inches off the tires. then i waited for my mother to follow me down to the shop and by then it droped back down to the ground, and i decided to do it again, but this time id take the tire off the ground and let it pump up all the way (forgetting that the car would think that it is already inflated and decrease the back). so what happened was that the car became a 2.5" lowrider all around. Other than my f'job with the rear, can anyone tell me or speculate WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY CAR!?!?!?!?!?!?!?