on the 91-94 clusters, there is 1 computer in the cluster, that controls the entire cluster.. 3 different lcd modules, but only 1 computer. the milage is stored in that computer, to the best of my knowledge.
Like I said previously, most state have provisions for changed/failed odometers on the title when it comes time to sell. In michigan, you report the milage, and check a box that states it is NOT actual milage. that should clear you of any legal issues.. all future titles issued to that vin will therefore have that box permantly checked, and it will always reflect the odometer is not accurate.
if you want to keep the milage original, try to resolder the connections (or get someone else to try it) on the black connectors that connect to the back of the cluster. My 91's DCL problem was bad solder joints. if you dont feel comfortable doing that yourself, let me know, I can do it for you (just pay shipping both ways is all I ask).