MonsterMark said:Bogus quiz slanted to make everyone look like a libertarian. Cheezy tactic.
raVeneyes said:Liberal. Not very liberal, but one hash mark in from center and one down from libertarian.
MonsterMark, contrary to your assertion:
How People Have Scored
Centrist 32.92 %
Right (Conservative) 8.44 %
Libertarian 33.01 %
Left (Liberal) 17.71 %
Statist (Big Government) 7.92 %
raVeneyes said:Liberal. Not very liberal, but one hash mark in from center and one down from libertarian.
MonsterMark, contrary to your assertion:
How People Have Scored
Centrist 32.92 %
Right (Conservative) 8.44 %
Libertarian 33.01 %
Left (Liberal) 17.71 %
Statist (Big Government) 7.92 %
MonsterMark said:Agree to all questions and you are a polar north Libertarian.
Click 'Maybe' all questions and you are dead center Centrist.
'Disagree' to all and you are a dead south Statist.
'Agree' to all the personal issues and "Disagree' to all Economic issues and you are a dead left Liberal.
How convenient to put everybody in a nice little box.
Bogus, bogus, bogus.:why: