New LVC Member
Hi - Newbie here....but not a newbie to car repair. Realize this is a Mark VIII forum, however, engines are pretty much the same, except mine is turned sideways.
. A lot more traffic here, so figured it would be more likely that someone who has experienced the problem...
Bought a 98 Conti about 3 months ago, had 76k miles, now about 82k miles. Extremely clean, completely dealer maintained (including oil changes) one family owned.
Got our first bout of real winter weather here in the Detroit area over the past week. I noticed over the past few days when it was really cold (single digits), when i first fired it up in the morning or coming home from work, it would idle at 500 rpm for like 10 seconds, and then jump to high idle like it should around 1k. ...This may or may not be related to the main issue, but included just in case.
Yesterday on the way home from work, it lurched, or hesitated for a second while doing about 50 mph on the expressway, and immediately the Traction Control light came on, and tach read 0 RPM. Car was still cold at this point, maybe had been driving 2 min. Met friends for dinner, so when I got to the restaurant about 30 min later, turned off the car, turned it back on, TC light is off, and Tach is working. Come out from dinner about 2 hours later, get on the expressway, and as I merge onto another expressway (about 5 min into trip, again temp in the single digits) see a car moving really slow, nearly stopped, so tapped on the brakes and the car stalls. pull over, have to crank it four or five times for it to catch, got it running, but again the tach is reading zero, and the TC light is on. Get home and put a code reader on it, and it is not throwing any codes, actual or pending.
I'm a bit at a loss ... thinking maybe crank position sensor, IAC (that's a bit of a stretch..may have been coasting, but above idle speeds) .... not sure if traction control module would cause stalling and the tach not to work...anyone else have some thoughts? Anyone else experience this?
Bought a 98 Conti about 3 months ago, had 76k miles, now about 82k miles. Extremely clean, completely dealer maintained (including oil changes) one family owned.
Got our first bout of real winter weather here in the Detroit area over the past week. I noticed over the past few days when it was really cold (single digits), when i first fired it up in the morning or coming home from work, it would idle at 500 rpm for like 10 seconds, and then jump to high idle like it should around 1k. ...This may or may not be related to the main issue, but included just in case.
Yesterday on the way home from work, it lurched, or hesitated for a second while doing about 50 mph on the expressway, and immediately the Traction Control light came on, and tach read 0 RPM. Car was still cold at this point, maybe had been driving 2 min. Met friends for dinner, so when I got to the restaurant about 30 min later, turned off the car, turned it back on, TC light is off, and Tach is working. Come out from dinner about 2 hours later, get on the expressway, and as I merge onto another expressway (about 5 min into trip, again temp in the single digits) see a car moving really slow, nearly stopped, so tapped on the brakes and the car stalls. pull over, have to crank it four or five times for it to catch, got it running, but again the tach is reading zero, and the TC light is on. Get home and put a code reader on it, and it is not throwing any codes, actual or pending.
I'm a bit at a loss ... thinking maybe crank position sensor, IAC (that's a bit of a stretch..may have been coasting, but above idle speeds) .... not sure if traction control module would cause stalling and the tach not to work...anyone else have some thoughts? Anyone else experience this?