TCCoA Closed?


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Kansas City
By order of the 11th Judicial District Court of the State of Florida, the website known the "Thunderbird and Cougar Club of America" or "TCCoA" operating at the internet address of "WWW.TCCOA.COM" is hereby ordered to cease and decist all operations in whole or in part pending investigation and outcome of a lawsuit pending before this court. This order is to be made effective 12:01am EST, April 1, 2005. Failure to comply may be viewed as willfully disobeying a court order and could leave the owner of said website to be held in contempt of court.
Sorry guys, I've been talking with my attorney and so far we haven't found a way around this. As soon as I can, I'll let you know. I'm already pushing my luck by not getting things all shut down by exactly midnight, but I hope they'll understand that it's not an instant thing.

I'll try to have things back as soon as I can get them there.

God Bless and Fly Low!

Bill "Sir William" Wheeler

Posted: 4/1/05 12:35am
Anyone know why? did I miss a post or something? was a great site
I dunno -- I emailed Bill - we'll see. -- Bet its a April Fools joke.
Damn, I hope not, I'm still waiting on my raffle prize from the October 04 Raffle - What a friggin joke!!!

I think Sir William would have had a lot more to say if it were true.


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