Ted Rall Unpatriotic Cartoon


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 24, 2005
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If this doesn't make you sick, you're probably a jihadist.


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I thought the jihadist were the ones who were angered by distasteful cartoons?
Not too long ago John Kerry was compelled to apologized for his so-called joke about getting an education so you don't end up in Iraq. So the premise of the cartoon--that American soldiers are uneducated idiots--is false. He really went all out on this one--attacking American men in general, the military, Christianity, President Bush, and the War--How clever! It's just the same liberal diatribe. :rolleyes:
Ted Rall has a history of this. A long history, as evidenced when you review his web site.

The fact that any mainstream companies continue to publish his distasteful "work" shocks me...
I thought the jihadist were the ones who were angered by distasteful cartoons?

No, the jihadists rioted and murdered innocent people over cartoons. To be angered and encourage people to voice their opinion in a civil manner is an appropriate reaction.

No one is advocating lighting cars on fire, burning down the newspaper, killing the editors, and stoning Tedd Rall.

Care to comment on the cartoon? Rather than making Fossten the issue, how about we focus on Tedd Rall and his history of controversial, often anti-American, editorial cartoons? Do you agree or disagree with him.
No, the jihadists rioted and murdered innocent people over cartoons. To be angered and encourage people to voice their opinion in a civil manner is an appropriate reaction.

No one is advocating lighting cars on fire, burning down the newspaper, killing the editors, and stoning Tedd Rall.

Care to comment on the cartoon? Rather than making Fossten the issue, how about we focus on Tedd Rall and his history of controversial, often anti-American, editorial cartoons? Do you agree or disagree with him.

I did comment on the cartoon, I said "distasteful"; I also wasn't specifically singleing out Fossten, just making some light humor of his "either you're against it, or you're a jihadist" absolute stance.
Disgusting...anywhere in Islam, a cartoon like this would generate a price on his head...not here tho... again, Disgusting
Disgusting...anywhere in Islam, a cartoon like this would generate a price on his head...not here tho... again, Disgusting

But that is the difference between us and them. Isn't this country GREAT!!?!! People are actually FREE to think differently from each other and are FREE to express their thoughts. While you might consider the cartoon "disgusting", the fact that he is free to express himself WITHOUT getting a "price on his head" should NOT be.

"Freedom isn't free". And "selective freedom" ISN'T "freedom" at all. I suppose fossten et al would like to be like the jihadist and censor Ted Rall? That would be hypicritical.
"Freedom isn't free". And "selective freedom" ISN'T "freedom" at all. I suppose fossten et al would like to be like the jihadist and censor Ted Rall? That would be hypicritical.

No one has prevented Ted Rall from speaking. No one is advocating that the federal government step in to prevent him from presenting an unpopular, though offensive, not dangerous, point of view.

But it's also responsible to respond to this kind of speech and identify it for what it is. And there are commercial responsibilities as well. So there is nothing wrong with my NOT buying any paper that publishes his editorials or cartoons. Free speech doesn't guarantee an audience.
Typical Johnny. Only attacks the poster on the forum instead of addressing the content. And does so with a phony straw man. What an amateur. *Yawn*
No, thats ok, I agree. I will defend his right to express himself always, because that is his right. But, as has been said,

"The real value of freedom is not to the minority that wants to talk, but to the majority, that does not want to listen"
-Zachariah Chafee Jr.
Free speech doesn't guarantee an audience.

Agreed. While his cartoon unnecessarily kicks our military in the groin, you can't help but acknowledge the ounce of truth behind the parallel he draws between "their" mentality and "ours". Food for thought.
Agreed. While his cartoon unnecessarily kicks our military in the groin, you can't help but acknowledge the ounce of truth behind the parallel he draws between "their" mentality and "ours". Food for thought.

False parallel. It isn't a thoughtful observation, it's a blind attack on the men and women in the military. The profile of a suicide bomber does not look anything like that of a soldier or reservists. First and foremost, a suicide bombers sets out to kill himself for glory and postmortem celebrity, killing as many innocent people as possible in the process. An American soldier commits, with the intention of living, because he seeks to serve a greater good in anonymity.

I would recommend you watch the film "Cult of the Suicide Bomber"
..."it's a blind attack on the men and women in the military"...

I think its more than that even. These kinds of "cartoons", I believe, are ment to discourage, and demoralize these very fine people. Very poor effort, as anyone who thinks for themselves can see.

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