Temporary B Pillar Fix


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 26, 2004
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Sorry, I don't have a digital camera with me, but I might have found a temporary fix for the distorted B Pillar appearance. I used Zymol Cleaner Wax on my car tonight, all over the paint with a slight spray of distilled water to bring out the nutrients and the shine. I decided to try it on the B Pillars, spent about 30 seconds a pillar, and the end result suprised me. There are still some slight water/distortion spots, but I wonder if spending more time on each pillar would possibly fix the problem, say a half hour per pillar.
A few ideas:
Would wetsanding it work?
If you wetsanded could you use it in combination with the Zymol Cleaner Wax/Meguiars Back to Black instead of water?
Anyone else had any luck in a restoration?
Also another question...

Has anyone found a succesful method on removing wax from the plastic frame around the windshield, sunroof surround, etc.? I have some stubborn wax stuck on these black plastic places. Any help will suffice. Thanks.
I'm interested in hearing the responses here ... as mine look like shizit too! I was really bummed when they kept getting worse, like I wasn't taking care of my car. Now I find out it is a common issue.

I'll be doing mine as soon as someone offers a solution.

Yeah I've done several coats of Mothers cleaner wax with some decent results. Never goes away completely and comes back fairly quickly. I may try a polishing compound or even a rubbing compound next. Its due for some attention.
I have tried a couple different waxes/cleaners -- nothing seemed to work very well.

Someplace (maybe lskoncepts.com) I saw some vinyl or plastic things that adhered to it to cover them... can't remember exactly where. Maybe that is a better alternative?


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