temporary fix blend door 98 mark


New LVC Member
Mar 11, 2015
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United States
I have a 98 mark,with all the temp. settings on heat,it is blowing cold air only,I just wanted to get heat for now.
Does anyone know anything about this trick,


I was trying to do this,but I am not sure how much pressure to put on the arm trying to move it.
if it is suppose to move easily,because I do not seem to be able to move the arm at all in either direction.
It doesn't take much effort and it only moves a little bit (maybe 1/2 inch), so it is possible your door or the arm is busted.

My daughter made me set mine up for heat...which i need about 3 hours...the entire year. I zip tiee it to the wire bundle so need to snip that and push it up.
Mine was broken there (at the bottom) as well as the top. There are two levers that connect with a metal strip/rod.
If the top is broken too, fixing the bottom won't provide much heat at all, unless the top lever is stuck half way and that is not likely.
Remove your message center and you will be able to see if the top lever is broken. If it is and still in one piece (just cracked) you can use a zip tie to fix it. Many have done that and it works for hot and cold. I did the this fix but haven't tried to go to cold as I wanted to reinforce this with something like auto goop.
I used a small hose clamp for the bottom lever without reinforcing it and it has worked like a charm.
Blend door crack with arrow - Oct 27-13.jpg

Blend door zip tie fix with arrows -Oct 27-13.jpg

Lower lever with clamp.jpg

Blend door crack with arrow - Oct 27-13.jpg

Blend door zip tie fix with arrows -Oct 27-13.jpg

Lower lever with clamp.jpg

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