Tensioner Pulley


Active LVC Member
Jun 9, 2006
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Hi all. Ok, Heres the deal. I think either my belt tensioner or my AC comperssor are going out. I have developed a "chattering" from that area. It started a couple of weeks ago with a sqeak at start up, and now is a full blow chatter.

Question is, Which is more likely? The frequency goes up with RPM and upon visual inspection, it seems to coordiate with the "bounce" on the tensioner. So my thinking is it is the tensioner. Thoughts?

If so how hard is this to replace? should I replace the idler pulley at the same time?

Any quick answers would be great as I would like to get the parts tonight and fix it tommorow if I can. It sucks to drive a great looking and running car, but to have it sound like you have a baseball card stuck in the spokes of your bicycle.
It's either the Tensioner Pulley, or the idler pulley. I like to replace them both at the same time.

You might as well replace the belt while your at it.

94m5 said:
It's either the Tensioner Pulley, or the idler pulley. I like to replace them both at the same time.

You might as well replace the belt while your at it.


What he said X 2. Easy to replace. Replace the whole tensioner, not just the pulley. Both pulleys are the same.
Futher Mucking SOB $&W$%&@$%^#EW$^%

Ok, now that is out. taking it apart went great, easy as pie. Putting it back together was going fine UNTIL I dropped the lower Tensioner bolt into the dark abyss of the engine bay. Of course, with it being Independence day, the Lincoln dealer is closed, as they should be on this day. But this means I wont have a car for work tommorow.

Anyone near Springfield IL have a spare one? LOL

If it weren't for bad luck.........

As an alternative I could go to the zone etc, but I doubt they would be able to help. I have never known them to carry much in the way of bolts and such.
biglou71 said:
Futher Mucking SOB $&W$%&@$%^#EW$^%

Ok, now that is out. taking it apart went great, easy as pie. Putting it back together was going fine UNTIL I dropped the lower Tensioner bolt into the dark abyss of the engine bay. Of course, with it being Independence day, the Lincoln dealer is closed, as they should be on this day. But this means I wont have a car for work tommorow.

Anyone near Springfield IL have a spare one? LOL

If it weren't for bad luck.........

As an alternative I could go to the zone etc, but I doubt they would be able to help. I have never known them to carry much in the way of bolts and such.

I am about 40 miles west of springfield. As of right now, I am in southern illinois, but if you NEED one, my dad is at home, and would be more than happy to take you out to our spare engine to get the bolt you need.


Thanks Mike. I hate to, but I have to. I really appreciate it.

Thanks again


Got the Tensioner and Idler and belt replaced.....

And it STILL sounds like I have a baseball card stuck in my spokes. I am now thinking it is my AC clutch. I havent been using the AC as I am more of a open windows and roof guy, but I discovered much to my dismay that the AC blows hot today AND it is still making that noise.

So question is, do I need the whole compressor, or are there certain parts I can replace? And which is the better way to go?

Thanks again all.
Thanks Driller.

That fixed the "baseball card in spokes" issue. So.... What does that mean? New compressor? Low on Fridge?

Oh one other thing. I didnt see before.... Some one had spliced into that connector and ran a wire back to the fuse box. I am assuming maybe a relay is out too?

Thanks to both Mike and Driller for all the help.

Any more advice is welcome and needed.

Sounds like someone botched the wiring to force the compressor to run. The AC clutch is normally controlled via the VCRM and the refridgerant pressure sensor.

You need to have the system looked at by a technician. Could be the compressor is OK and needs evacuated and charged along with fixing the wiring. My guess is the relay, clutch and/or pressure switch at a minimum will need replaced. Unfortunately, running the compressor without refridgerant will not be good for the compressor.
....Which is prolly why it's making the noise you mentioned earlier. If you can wait till next weekend, I could run over to springfield and take a look at it for you. It would give me a reason to take the 95' for a spin.

Sure Mike, I can wait till next weekend. At least it sounds like a classy car again now. I have a family function on Sunday, but Saturday is cool, or the whole weekend after that is open too. Just let me know. PM me or if you still have my number, give me a call a couple of days a head of time.

Thanks again guys


We could fix it this weekend as stated earlier.... and then you could either follow, or ride up to mespock's for our summer get together. Sound good?
hehe, I would love to go up to mespock's, but with with this repair and the new tires and brakes I have to put on it, I am going to be out of cashola.

2 Teenagers, 2 Dogs, A mortgage payment, etc... tends to do that to a guy LOL.

If it wasnt for that I would be totally in for the summer get together and am already planning on going to next years where ever it is.

no money needed man. I have to pay for gas anyway, and the more people the better. IF you want, I have an AC compressor that you can have nice and cheap to offset the cost.


:HINT: you should to come :/HINT:
Does noise change when the clutch engages? Shut the car off, and see if the clutch "hub" is loose. It's the piece on the front of the clutch with the small bolt in the middle. Mine went on my old car and made alot of noise.

my98mark8: yes that is exactly the case.

Mike, come on over this weekend if you like, bring the compressor. Give me a call or pm thursday or friday to work out meeting time and place for this weekend. As far as the summer get together goes, I would love to, but the odds of me being able to get next friday off to go are very slim even if money isnt an issue.


I really do want to go, but being married, my job comes first. :(
ordered a new tensioner pulley, idler pulley, and belt from Max today - 94 dollars.

In Montreal, my dealer wanted 130 for the tensioner alone!

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