"Terror Attacks are Response to Military Actions"


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Terror Attacks are Response to Military Actions
Linda McQuaig, Star (Toronto)
Posted 2005-08-03 11:39:00.0

In the official, mainstream view of terrorism — the view trumpeted by western governments, think tanks and media commentators — terrorists are freedom-loathing zealots with an irrational hatred of our western lifestyle and culture.

But another view, polls suggest, is gaining ground with the public: Terrorism is actually a response to military interventions perpetrated by western governments.

These sharply diverging views are central to the question of how to deal with terrorism. Under the "irrational hatred" view, there's not much we can do other than ratchet up our security and hunker down for a long fight with a bunch of lunatics.

But under the second theory, some solutions may be possible. At least, it suggests we should carefully scrutinize what actions our governments are up to in the Middle East, to assess whether these actions are justified and, if not, to stop them. After all, if the actions aren't justified, we should stop them anyway. Right? Or should we continue to act unjustly — if that's what we're doing — simply so we can look firm in our opposition to terrorism?

The U.S. and British governments fear such public scrutiny of their actions in the Middle East. This isn't surprising, since any serious analysis would reveal a history of Anglo-American interventions that could best be described as imperialistic.

All this has implications for Canada. Under the "irrational hatred" theory, terrorists are just as likely to strike Toronto as New York or London, since we also enjoy an indulgent western lifestyle here in Toronto.

But under the second — and more plausible — theory, terrorists are less likely to strike in Canada, given our more limited role in interventions in the Middle East. We're supporting the U.S. in Afghanistan, but we've stayed out of the more provocative U.S. occupation of Iraq.

One of the few systematic studies of terrorism provides evidence that refutes the "irrational hatred" theory.

Robert Pape, a political scientist at the University of Chicago and director of the Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism, has put together a comprehensive data bank of every suicide terrorist attack (315) in the world since 1980.

"(W)hat nearly all suicide terrorist attacks have in common," notes Pape in his book, Dying to Win, "is a specific secular and strategic goal: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland." Pape also observes that once a military occupation ends, the suicide terrorism tends to stop.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair went to great lengths last week to suggest that the recent London bombings weren't connected to Britain's role in the occupation of Iraq, but rather to irrational hatred of western culture.


If you attack your neighbour, kill several of his family members, ransack his house and steal his car, is it logical to conclude that your neighbour is in a rage against you because he doesn't like how you dress and what movies you enjoy watching?

Linda McQuaig is a Toronto-based author and commentator.
BS. That is all I have to say. That article is full of BS!!!
don't worry it is another cut and phil I mean paste. This guy lacks the ability to form an independent thought.
I think the true answer is more in the middle, somewhere between irrational hatred and justified military action.

A side note about the article first: The nice thing about living in Canada is that they have an oil surplus. Also, 39% of their total exports are natural resources. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/canada.html With 1/10th the population of the U.S., they can afford to sit back and complain about the U.S. from the comfort of their recliners as they make a killing off of their exports to us. Do they view us as a necessary evil? Or are we the big brother that does all the dirty work for them? It's because of the U.S., economically and militarily, that Canada is so prosperous. It's always been that way. They don't have to worry about the middle east and who is in control because they know the U.S. has got it covered. All things being equal, Canada would be just as involved as we are if they were us.

Suicide bombings work. They strike fear in the hearts of their enemies. They cause damage and instability. And they are a last ditch effort. They come as a result of us being there, sure. But we are just the infidel de jour. The real problem (one of them, anyway, as has been stated extensively in this forum) is the belief of the suicide bombers and terrorists that they get a free ticket to heaven with 40 virgins and all that sort of stuff. Most of us know that this belief is wrong, wrong, WRONG. And just why are they attacking us? Simply because of our presence? What are we taking away from them? Why didn't they go after Saddam and his sons and their evil regime? This is further proof of just how wrong and irrational their thinking and hatred is.

They see us as occupiers. Okay, I'll buy that. We also occupied Germany and Japan after WWII. Look how those countries turned out. Are those countries puppets of the U.S.? Hardly. I can understand resentment, but not to the point where you're strapping a bomb on the back of a kid and cheering for him as he blows up. If they're so righteous, why aren't the leaders practicing what they preach? Cause they know it's b.s. and they just want power. They want to be in charge and become the next despot. We're giving the weak a voice. We're standing up for the oppressed. We oppose their tyranny. They do believe our way of life is evil. They are the ones that are wrong. I understood Japans' kamikaze attacks. It doesn't make it right. In fact, it was completely wrong.

We would not be there if not for the oil. But the stakes are too high and we are on the right side of this conflict. So let the Canadians watch the game from their living rooms and arm-chair quarterback. They can afford that luxury. We can't.
Kbob said:
I think the true answer is more in the middle, somewhere between irrational hatred and justified military action.

A side note about the article first: The nice thing about living in Canada is that they have an oil surplus. Also, 39% of their total exports are natural resources. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/canada.html With 1/10th the population of the U.S., they can afford to sit back and complain about the U.S. from the comfort of their recliners as they make a killing off of their exports to us. Do they view us as a necessary evil? Or are we the big brother that does all the dirty work for them? It's because of the U.S., economically and militarily, that Canada is so prosperous. It's always been that way. They don't have to worry about the middle east and who is in control because they know the U.S. has got it covered. All things being equal, Canada would be just as involved as we are if they were us.

Suicide bombings work. They strike fear in the hearts of their enemies. They cause damage and instability. And they are a last ditch effort. They come as a result of us being there, sure. But we are just the infidel de jour. The real problem (one of them, anyway, as has been stated extensively in this forum) is the belief of the suicide bombers and terrorists that they get a free ticket to heaven with 40 virgins and all that sort of stuff. Most of us know that this belief is wrong, wrong, WRONG. And just why are they attacking us? Simply because of our presence? What are we taking away from them? Why didn't they go after Saddam and his sons and their evil regime? This is further proof of just how wrong and irrational their thinking and hatred is.

They see us as occupiers. Okay, I'll buy that. We also occupied Germany and Japan after WWII. Look how those countries turned out. Are those countries puppets of the U.S.? Hardly. I can understand resentment, but not to the point where you're strapping a bomb on the back of a kid and cheering for him as he blows up. If they're so righteous, why aren't the leaders practicing what they preach? Cause they know it's b.s. and they just want power. They want to be in charge and become the next despot. We're giving the weak a voice. We're standing up for the oppressed. We oppose their tyranny. They do believe our way of life is evil. They are the ones that are wrong. I understood Japans' kamikaze attacks. It doesn't make it right. In fact, it was completely wrong.

We would not be there if not for the oil. But the stakes are too high and we are on the right side of this conflict. So let the Canadians watch the game from their living rooms and arm-chair quarterback. They can afford that luxury. We can't.

Well spoken.

Indeed the baffling thing is that they didnot care to overthrow SH a proven taker from the people a theif and tyrannizing dictator. The Taliban were no better than SH. The people that dreamed of freedom fro they tyranny imposed upon them could not defend themslves and no way to arms themselves to the point that they would ba able to organize and coup.

I am perplexed by the liberals posture on this issue after all they are supposd tobe for the little guy. Further, they do not mind it if the UN tries to impos its undemocratic policies on us nor do they say anything about judges that choose to defe judgement of American cases before the court.

Why should we not be granted the same latitude especially whe it concerns the defense of our on citizns and intenational allies.

The terrorist threw a blow that could not be ignored and it was the catalyst that started this campaign. Islamic extremist could have just a easily formed a legitamate government and promoted theri agenda on the wold stage. They ufortunately choose terrorism and can but one way to deal with these acts and they are already underway.
More lies. I think the U.S. Government has proven that we don't fear anything, much less public scrutiny!

97silverlsc said:
Terror Attacks are Response to Military Actions

Did they become terrorists because of military actions? Or were they terrorists all along?

Figure this one out for yourself. We did not find WMD, but we found many terrorists. Do you have a problem with that?
Such total BS. Look around the world, look at history, muslims have always been on the war path. They are a scourge that everyone in the world should be out to eliminate
yep... bs... blah blah blah....
better a bunch of dead terrorists than a bunch of dead innocent.
some fools just dont see the difference between terrorists and the innocent.
And because they they believe the bs the terrorists stand for, spread hate and lies in USA, they aid the terrorists. We should boot 'em out of the country.... make 'em go fight in Iraq or live in a oppressed muslim country. Then they might pick a side and quit being wimps about it!
Who's more dangerous to the U.S., Osama Bin Laden or Ted Kennedy? I know whose the most responsible of these two for killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

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