Test ran on my LS, Need some input...

Michael Ryan Wharton

$$ Lincoln LS V8 $$
Jan 28, 2015
Reaction score
Cincinnati Ohio, Decatur Alabama
P1565 - Speed Control Command Switch Out of Range High
C1963 - Stability Control Inhibit Warning
U1262 - Standard Communication Protocol Communications Bus Malfunction
C1805 - PCM And / Or ABS Module Mismatch
B1676 - Battery Pack Voltage Out of Range
C1235 - Wheel Speed Right Rear Input Signal Missing

I got 6 error after having a computer hooked up and pulled all the codes (the ones above) from my car, if anyone could help me with each of these on how to fix them, what i need to do, and how hard it would be to do myself. I know for a fact that my clock spring is bad, and i need to replace it... that could be throwing some codes, and recently my traction control has been messing up, sometimes it wont work, other times it does, and sometimes I get a message saying i need to service it.. Please help!
Unfortunately, you need more information yet.

P1565 - this is your bad clockspring. Replace it, and this one should go away.

C1963 - this is a consequence of other problems, so no need to address it. (This will go away once you fix the other problem(s).) Fix the C1805 and C1235 issues, and this code will go away.

U1262 - need to know if this is continuous, intermittent but frequent, or just shows up every great once in a while. (It's not unheard of to see this now and then with no real problem. Sometimes it even comes with a "mystery beep.") Also, need to know which module is reporting this. If it is continuous, it's a wiring problem or a bad module. It can be difficult to determine without specialized equipment.

C1805 - Have the ABS or PCM ever been replaced or re-FLASHed? Is this a continuous code or intermittent? If intermittent at the same time as the U1262, then this is a problem with the bus wiring.

B1676 - useless without knowing which module reported it. (My scan tool reports which module each code comes from. I would expect that most would.) If this is continuous or frequent, then it's a problem. If it is coming from multiple modules, then you have a battery/alternator/wiring problem.

C1235 - It's either the rear passenger wheel speed sensor, the wiring, or the ABS module. There are simple tests to determine which.

How about some history too. How long have you had this car? When did the problems start? What are your actual symptoms? Previous repairs? Any crash damage? Where?
What is the brand of the replacement alternator?
I was told it was oem.. i can find out exactly when i get off school... and i have had it since Christmas and no wrecks. Abs light has come on and so has the brake light.. but is now currently all off. I was going to have the codes pulled again today and see if they are still there. And the light with the car sliding has always flashed... but when the break and abs light were on the far sliding stayed solid.
The B1676 could be from before the alternator was replaced.
Rescan the codes and note which ones are there and any freeze frame data that may be available.
Clear the codes.
Rescan again. Any codes that remain can be considered continuous.
Wait a day and rescan again. Any that come back after a day or less, I would consider frequent.

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