Testing the waters


LVC Member
Aug 24, 2006
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Carneys Point
Hey guys, I recently installed the M3 paddle shifters on both mine and my wife's LSs. I enjoy them very much however she thought she would but has done nothing but complain about them since i put them in. she likes to drive in D5 only and rarely if ever uses the SST ( complete opposite of me) Anyways, she wants me to pull them off of her car, so i am going to buy a new steering wheel back this weekend to replace it with. Anyways the post is: I am wondering if any of you would like a paddle shifter kit for the LS. it is a 2001 with a grey steering wheel. the kit would include: BMW M3 shifters premounted in the steering wheel back cover, the relays (with pig tails already soldered onto correct terminals) needed for the SST to recognize the signal, and the wiring diagrams i used from Lou (including the ones I drew myself for pictorial reference). I am just curious if anyone would like to purchase this kit since once i remove them from her car i wont have any use for them (already installed in mine). Just let me know.
I have them in my car and they don't bother me. She can drive in D5 without having to use them. BTW, how did you run the wires through the steering wheel? I kept breaking connections and cutting wires when I would rotate the steering wheel. I researched and found a company that would make a slip ring but the cost was quite expensive.
paddle shifter updates

I know she could keep them but she doesnt want to. she doesnt like how they are there doing nothing. ( you know how women can be) the trans operates fine with them there is just what she wants. I ran the wires as Lou described I got it right on with her car but my car has a similar problem as yours, breaking wires. I am investigating a new way, but so far i am just going to try smaller wire. that is what i used on hers and it works fine. going to stop by the electrical shop and pic up some small wire tonight. Thats all i know how to do it.

As for pics, you can search on here or go to tech articles ont eh subject for QuikLS's post about them. he has real good pics, mine look just like his.
I have been thinking about doing this to my LS - any idea how much you're looking to get for the kit?

i am looking to get 275, but i am open to reasonable offers. The highest cost is the paddles and shifters. the rest is just your time. removing the wheel is the hardest part, as Lou said. and since these are already mounted you just need to swap out the back panels.

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