Texas considers ban on sexy cheerleaders


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Ok Brian I know you like your sexy girls now!! :N

This could go way to far!! If it's too sexy then it's up to the school if they are only talking about HS. But Pro! Give me a break! I've gone to the Wisconsin State Pon Pom competition as my oldest daughters team once qualified I was awed by the talented girls and there was no sex or too sexy of performance preformed!

AUSTIN, United States (AFP) - Legislators in Texas, famed for its Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders, considered legislation to ban 'sexually suggestive' performances in schools.

The law would ban dance routines by school cheerleaders at sports events that one politician said was like something out of a strip club.

Exposed midriffs and ever shorter shorts and skirts have particularly outraged some legislators.

"Some of them are just downright vulgar, something you would see at an adult club or something," said Joe Deshotel, a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, which is considering the bill. "The problem is in the eye of the beholder, I guess."

One of the co-authors of the bill, Republican Corbin Van Arsdale, said many parents want restrictions because they go to Friday night games to see young men clashing on the football field, not girls shaking their behinds on the sidelines.

"You've got children seeing things that their parents would rather them not see," said Van Arsdale.

mespock said:
One of the co-authors of the bill, Republican Corbin Van Arsdale, said many parents want restrictions because they go to Friday night games to see young men clashing on the football field, not girls shaking their behinds on the sidelines.

"You've got children seeing things that their parents would rather them not see," said Van Arsdale.

Sounds gay to me, but then again he's republican. :joke

Seriously, the sad thing about crap like this is everything is subjective. WHO's going to judge what is too suggestive or not? If they are concerned about their kids "seeing things that their parents would rather them not see", they better make dang sure they don't get to watch MTV, BET or VH1 either.
mespock said:
"Some of them are just downright vulgar, something you would see at an adult club or something," said Joe Deshotel, a Democratic member of the Texas House of Representatives, which is considering the bill. "The problem is in the eye of the beholder, I guess."
Yes, and this guy is a Democrat so he should know all about the 'adult clubs'.

That was your dumbest response to date. I can provide you with a massive list of Republican, Conservative and Church leaders that have been involved in lude and crude behavior.
barry2952 said:

That was your dumbest response to date. I can provide you with a massive list of Republican, Conservative and Church leaders that have been involved in lude and crude behavior.

Jerry Farwell considers Larry Flynt a friend!
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Seriously, the sad thing about crap like this is everything is subjective. WHO's going to judge what is too suggestive or not? If they are concerned about their kids "seeing things that their parents would rather them not see", they better make dang sure they don't get to watch MTV, BET or VH1 either.

:I Hit the nail on the head Johnny. Sounds like the complaint of the day down in Tejas...probably some constituent called up and bitched to his congressman and he's playing "I suddenly give a damn"...

Oh and yes, that statement was a little gay... :biggrin:
barry2952 said:

That was your dumbest response to date. I can provide you with a massive list of Republican, Conservative and Church leaders that have been involved in lude and crude behavior.

Holy crap!!! Morally repressed people are freaks deep down...that's news of the day :eek:

I question anyone who don't like to see a 17 yr old girl shakin her booty... I'm not gonna do anything about it because I have self control... but I'll be damned if I ain't gonna look.
Looks like dertyclown understands exactly what this is about. Should we encourage these things for our children or at the very least NOT encourage? But you're right, it is everywhere. And it's everyones fault. It's all a downward spiral, and whoever tries to stop it gets ridiculed. I just hope there's one kids movie coming out this summer that doesn't have a cuss word in it or something sexually suggestive, but I'm not holding my breath. This point of view is from a father.

You and I are in agreement on everything except that moron dirtyclown's post. What's with you two?
barry2952 said:
You and I are in agreement on everything except that moron dirtyclown's post. What's with you two?
I just thought it was funny/ironic that he's the one that pointed out what stuff like this is really all about, but most are too afraid/ashamed/or whatever to admit it. The age at which a person loses their virginity continues to get younger and younger. And our society is either actively or passively encouraging kids to have sex.
I just want to be on the record in stating that things have gone too far. I blame the parents for failing to communicate the proper values to their children. I blame the government for failing to set proper examples.

I am a product of a household where sex was not discussed at all. I had to learn all my perversions from street knowledge. Had my parents openly discussed what their expectations were for me I may have avoided some early failed relationships.

So, it's ironic that Dertyclown's moronic?
LOL! Well, if I do insult, I prefer to veil my insults with a little witticism. I have found that plausible deniability can save on a few burnt bridges. You, however, are old school and just say what you feel. I'm not at the old codger stage of my life yet, but give me time.
I don't think that being old has anything to do with it. I've been saying what's on my mind since I was wet behind the ears like dertyclown. I just call a spade a spade.

I just don't understand how you can get behind a scumbag that vandalizes things just for fun? You just don't seem the type.
So when your wife is gripy you call her the b word? Not me, that's a recipe for death. To each his own, though.

barry2952 said:
I just don't understand how you can get behind a scumbag that vandalizes things just for fun? You just don't seem the type.
I really don't see how what I have posted has gotten behind him on anything. I recall the only time I stood up for him was when you were degrading his typing skills. Probably 90% of the people who visit this site can't type very well and don't post as a result. I was just encouraging them to do so. I tend to stick up for the little guy and those that I feel are wrongfully denigrated, that's all.
You know, because this is the politics section, I, I mean We, allow alot more leeway but I (We) cross the line at name calling. I don't care what the issue is with the other person. Please demostrate restraint and respect for fellow members.

And this is directed at everybody. Let's have fun but let's not denigrate into name calling. Please. That spoils the fun for everyone.

On a lighter note, I've been looking to buy 200,000 lightbulbs for a promotion. Anybody got an idea where I can get some?
You'll have to go to China or India for a good source of light bulbs. Way to go GWB! Largest trade imbalance ever!

If you curtail your bashing of everyone that doesn't agree with you I'll stop bashing morons.
barry2952 said:
I just want to be on the record in stating that things have gone too far. I blame the parents for failing to communicate the proper values to their children. I blame the government for failing to set proper examples.

I am a product of a household where sex was not discussed at all. I had to learn all my perversions from street knowledge. Had my parents openly discussed what their expectations were for me I may have avoided some early failed relationships.

So, it's ironic that Dertyclown's moronic?
moronic yes, worng NO. I have no problem with people doing what ever they want, were ever they want. and yes this incould sex in the US we are way to up tight about sex. this includs you barry, ever do in a car, plane, elivator, ext... no you have not. so try this out "Don't warry be happy"
Im really not trying to start SH!T here I know you might like a GOV. to tell you what to do and hold your hand, but it just is not for me. nor is playing the blame game It does nothing :soapbox: Im done now
barry2952 said:
He just continues to make my point.
I know Im trying to help, I just don't give a SH!T so im having some fun.
(hey my typing is geting better )

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