info about daves (jibits) wake and memorial
i figured that no one had posted anythign about this, so i would like to just say what had happened at the services...
dave looked pretty good...right when you walked into the room, the sign in book was there to the right and then some wrist bands that armstrong used to wear when he had cancer were set and had daves full name on them with dob and date of his passing...they were in a baby blue kind of color...
pics set up all on the right of the to the left...he was the only person in the home to have the viewing at the of him with krys, his cousins, bro's, sister, mom and dad...
black suit with a white shirt, and a few necklesses with crosses outside of his shirt....2 guys got up and spoke about him...the 1st was his brother im assuming and another was a long time friend i had not really met...
all of us that rode were asked to go outside and then wait by our bikes...we were asked start our bikes up when they brought him out...and we all rev'ed our motors...then we were asked to follow the hurse when it pulled out and we all followed for about a mile or 2...krys and her dad along with daves mom on another persons harley all got on the bikes and we followed...then we all turned off and went back to the home...
after that, some people had to take off cause of prior engagments like weddings...then the rest of us that stuck around, went to kopper kettle on 83 and st. charles road...and we all talked...the bunch of us that rode there, sticked around for a while and then left after eating...
dave had some other friends from other boards that he had met and they had showed was a nice 2 nights...
before our small group had left S.O.W. we circled back out with me and another fellow rider in the lead and we went to the crash site and stood there for about a minute saying our own little things in silence and then we headed out to the service...we had 7 bikes in our small group...all together there was between 20 - 25 bikes...