Thank you


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 21, 2004
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I got the Email this morning wishing me a :HB

Thanks everyone for remembering my birthday. As of 7/11/04 I am 18. Right now I think I will have a Cigar.
Congratulations...welcome to the world of responsibility. Enjoy the stogy, buy a lottery ticket and some porn, and relax.
Dang, I'm old enough to be your dad. LOL. Happy Birthday. Only 3 more years to your first legal beer. Man, to think I was in bars when I was 16. You young guys really got hosed when they changed the drinking age. You can go die for your country but you better not touch a beer. How lame is that?
I hate to agree, but I do. I'm 52 and the legal age to drink was 18 and I did more than my share. 18 year olds do some pretty stupid things because they think they're invincible. Thankfully, I never hurt anyone.

On the other hand, allowing an 18 year old to forfeit his life for his country and not allow them to drink seems unfair.

Maybe that could be solved by allowing drinking once you were in the service. At least that would be equitable.


1956 Continental Mark II convertible
I'm in the same boat Barry. Did a bunch of stupid things at that age. Kind of amazed to still be alive actually.

Now, let me turn that around again. Can you imagine a bunch of drunk 18 year olds piloting M1's or firing M16's. Talk about invincible. LOL.
:HB have alot of fun and smoke a stoggy for me. :V :give :Beer :smilies-3
In the armed services there is a different code of ethics than civilian life. No one is allowed to get so drunk that their conduct reflects on their unit, in theory. The support group is much more in place than in the typical family these days.

A lot of people drink because they are bored. I don't think that you can be particularly bored in the services these days. Being on high alert for so long has to be taking its toll so there should be certain rewards that come with service.

Happy Birthday!!!


1956 Continental Mark II convertible
:W to some of the rights of an adult -

Remember if you do drink - Everything in moderation - The porcelain feels very comforting when you bow down to pray.

One of the rights of being an adult is learning that you no longer want to stick your face where you take a :q just because you feel "you owe this to yourself" (Bill Cosby).

But something you can do and show your maturity this year is go and Vote - listen to what those who are running for office are saying :soapbox: - don't forget to pay attention to the local races - and Vote from your heart.
MonsterMark said:
Now, let me turn that around again. Can you imagine a bunch of drunk 18 year olds piloting M1's or firing M16's. Talk about invincible. LOL.
Now there's an idea! Let's get the pilots good and liquored-up before a mission. They couldn't lose! :p
Happy Birthday! I agree with everyone else that the legal age to drink liquor should be 18, but you're legally a man now anyways. Now's the time for you to work out like a maniac. You'll see incredible results at your age in just a few weeks if you eat and work out properly. Enjoy this time cause it doesn't last long. I just doubled your age last week, and the last 18 years have gone by far quicker than the first 18.
Kbob said:
Now's the time for you to work out like a maniac. You'll see incredible results at your age in just a few weeks if you eat and work out properly.
Sorry man, but that's a load of crap. Some people are that luck, but some are not. I personally am not, and have to work very hard to gain muscle mass, regardless of diet and exercise. If you've got it though, 18 is the prime time to use it.

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