Thanksgiving and God


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
I thank God every day that my children are fortunate enough to attend school in a private faith-based educational environment. It is worth every effort to make sure your children are offered the opportunity to establish a concrete and moral foundation as they develop into young adults. This is why the country as a whole is moving to the right.

From FoxNews
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Maryland public school students are free to thank anyone they want while learning about the 17th century celebration of Thanksgiving (search) — as long as it's not God.
And that is how it should be, administrators say.

Young students across the state read stories about the Pilgrims (search) and Native Americans, simulate Mayflower (search) voyages, hold mock feasts and learn about the famous meal that temporarily allied two very different groups.

But what teachers don't mention when they describe the feast is that the Pilgrims not only thanked the Native Americans for their peaceful three-day indulgence, but repeatedly thanked God.

"We teach about Thanksgiving from a purely historical perspective, not from a religious perspective," said Charles Ridgell, St. Mary's County Public Schools curriculum and instruction director.

School administrators statewide agree, saying religion never coincides with how they teach Thanksgiving to students.

Too much censorship can compromise a strong curriculum, some educators said.

"Schools don't want to do anything that would influence or act against the religious preferences of their students," said Lissa Brown, Maryland State Teacher's Association assistant executive director. "But the whole subject of religious toleration is a part of our history and needs to be taught."
I for one do not like the direction the world is taking in respect to religion, creation, and existence.
I think it safe to say, the majority of the world population belives in a higher diety,
Be that Johava, Ala, God or what ever, a higher power seems to be the main belife amoung the world.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to gather your kids together and sit down for an honest discussion concerning creation and a diety, whatever, or whomever that is.
Ask them, how did all this come about?
Where did the earth come from?
Where did the trees and rivers come from?
How does that seed in the ground grow into food for us?
Why does it grow?
Why is life given and taken?
Why do we pray?
Why are we rich?
Why are we poor?
Why do we starve while others eat?
Some how all these questions can be answered in a "master plan".
A plan for society.
Who drew up the plan?
Who must we finally answer to?
All these questions are pertinent to our lives and our beliefs.
Children should be taught all these things had a beginning somewhere.
The belife and the reverence in a higher being should never be discouraged.
The A.C.L.U. in my estimation is nothing more than a tool of the devil.
At every turn, this group is attacking the fundamental right to put forth the belife in a higher power.
Public acknowledgement of a higher power should never be discouraged.
Most in the world belive we are children of a higher power so, what is wrong with publicly displaying our homage to that power?
Teach your kids about this world, don't allow their knowledge to be suffocated by some meaningless organization bent on he distruction of our most basic of beliefs.
Without mankind's belief in a higher power - whatever, whomever that be, we will certainly self destruct as a species.
MonsterMark said:
Without mankind's belief in a higher power - whatever, whomever that be, we will certainly self destruct as a species.
:I Couldn't even come close to saying it better myslef!
Atheist, and proud of it! I have seen too much crap to believe a "loving god" would do such things to humanity. And please..before you tell me I'm clueless, I was actively involved in my church for nearly 15 years, was a head altar boy, went to catholic schools my whole life, studied some theology in University, and even (however short) thought about becoming a priest. If was after REALLY and thoroughly studying theology in school, that I had questions to which could not be adequately answered by priests, bishops and other clergy I spoke to. We are to rely on "it's god's way" or "it's in god's hands" or "it was their time" or "god has plans for them". Sorry...I just never bought into god creating beings in his image, then deciding (on a whim it seems) to kill them.(or "take them away") Even children, who although we are told are born into sin, generally are pretty innocent, no? Sorry. I'm not buying it.

That being said, I am quite pleased when someone finds it in religion, sports, cars, whatever. If it gives you peace, then I'm happy for you. So have you religion and be happy. I've seen the "light"...just not the same one you guys are seeing...
RRocket said:
Atheist, and proud of it! I have seen too much crap to believe a "loving god" would do such things to humanity. And please..before you tell me I'm clueless, I was actively involved in my church for nearly 15 years, was a head altar boy, went to catholic schools my whole life, studied some theology in University, and even (however short) thought about becoming a priest. If was after REALLY and thoroughly studying theology in school, that I had questions to which could not be adequately answered by priests, bishops and other clergy I spoke to. We are to rely on "it's god's way" or "it's in god's hands" or "it was their time" or "god has plans for them". Sorry...I just never bought into god creating beings in his image, then deciding (on a whim it seems) to kill them.(or "take them away") Even children, who although we are told are born into sin, generally are pretty innocent, no? Sorry. I'm not buying it.

That being said, I am quite pleased when someone finds it in religion, sports, cars, whatever. If it gives you peace, then I'm happy for you. So have you religion and be happy. I've seen the "light"...just not the same one you guys are seeing...

Just to add, one simple phrase I live by " to each his own” if it makes you happy than by all means go for it, I used to be heavily involved in my church, I still believe in god but not the rules of the church, with all the stuff that always happens to me. I have been happier being I collage with out the church instead of a "Jesus freak" in high school. I have the respect for whom ever is a firm believer in god just not my cup-o-tea.
MonsterMark said:
Without mankind's belief in a higher power - whatever, whomever that be, we will certainly self destruct as a species.

And it is your god-given right to shove your beliefs down every American's throat by manipulating the laws of this land, RIGHT? :bsflag: WRONG! To do so would be to undermine one of the major, fundamental principles upon which this great country was founded. FREEDOM OF RELIGION.

While I personally agree w/ your statement above, I also respect and will fight for another's beliefs, even if they do not include a god.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
To do so would be to undermine one of the major, fundamental principles upon which this great country was founded. FREEDOM OF RELIGION.
You got that right. It says Freedom of Religion, not Freedom from Religion.*owned*
MonsterMark said:
You got that right. It says Freedom of Religion, not Freedom from Religion.*owned*

:slam FYI, Atheism IS a "religion". ANY set of beliefs, regardless of how small or distorted that list of beliefs, or whether they include a god or NOT, IS a "religion". *owned*
Owned? Hardly. I can assure you that "atheism" is not a "religion". I studied world religion in University, and I don't recall the religion of Atheism. I have heard the "atheism is a religion" many, many times. It's usually by someone who believes in some type of religion. So let me break it down so even you can understand. Atheism, by definition, is the absence of theism. Theism is the belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world. If you are not a theist, then you are an atheist. Atheism is the total freedom from ANY religion. Following so far? Good. So, based on your argument, Christians (who believe in Jesus Christ) probably have a belief that Vishnu (Hindu god) does not exist. So does that mean that Christians are also part of the "I don't believe in Vishnu Faith"? Yes, I know it's silly. Like your argument. Or perhaps you believe (maybe rather strongly) that breakfast should be eaten everyday. Is that a religion also? Based on your argument, there should be many "Eat Breakfast Everyday Churches" all over the place. I's a belief, so it must be a "religion", right? Sure, if you're REALLY anal, you could try to weasel your way in with a definiton of religion like " A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.". But when normal, rational people talk about religion, it's generally a belief in a higher power of some sort. A view atheists do not share. At the very best, you could try to say that atheism is a "doctrine". And that would be pushing it to. So in summation, I believe you are a touch clueless, and possibly full of $hit. So perhaps we will meet this Sunday at the "JohnnyBz00LS is full of $hit Church". See ya there!
My point was, "Freedom OF Religion" includes my freedom to practice / follow / believe anything regardless of whether it includes a belief in a "higher power". Or are you trying to argue that Athesim does not fall under the umbrella of "Freedom OF Religion"? In which case, by that logic (and using Bryan's distorted interpretation), could legitimately be "outlawed" as a violation of our constitution?
I have a hard time believing that anyone is truly an athiest. My wife claims to be one but she says and does things that make me think that she just doesn't want to admit that there is a superior being.

I on the other hand, am Jewish by birth, but I haven't been to a synagogue since I was Bar Mitzvahed when I was 13. I consider myself to be an agnostic. No organized religion for me but I certainly would ask for a big favor from the big guy if my car were sliding sideways into a bridge abutment.

I consider religion a much more important factor in life when children are involved. If we had had children I would have insisted on exposure to religion, like I had as a child. I went through Sunday School and learned a part of the Torah to recite at my Bar Mitzvah.

I find it somewhat comical when I hear Christians and Jews and Muslims claim that their's is the "One True God". How arrogant. How ignorant. My God's good and your God won't get you into Heaven. How absurd.

Can't we all just get along?
Barry 2952,

I think you're right in a way. Everybody has a desire to belive that there is someone looking over them. The sheer terminal nature of atheism can cause discomfort in even the most ardent individual when faced with what could be the end of his or her life. This in turn causes most "disbelievers" to turn to some sort of omnipitent being for assistance. This is just human nature. Only in the end will each of us finally know the answer...actually if atheists are right we won't know crap cause we'll be dead...but you get my point.

My point is...Leave God in the Pledge of Allegience...Feel free to pray to god in school...but...teach religion in school and you're crossing the line. That's what sunday is for. Science gets its chance during the schoolday, religious beliefs have the rest of the time. Parents, if you want your children to learn about God...teach them! Thats you're job from the get go... Atheists...quit bitching,You're the minority, when less than 95% of the friggin world believes in a higher being then you'll have a leg to stand on.

Oh and by the way, I'm an Atheist, that is until that bridge abutment comes...then we'll see
:I How one chooses to live their life is what this country was founded upon.
As for myself, I have seen things in my life and been through things in my life that really make me believe in a higher power out there. It may not be what religions would like us to believe, but I believe it's out there. And to the comment as to how can there be a God when there are so many horrible things out there. My own personal belief is, that there is always something worse out there, and maybe that bad act was done in mercy to prevent something even worse from happening to that person(people) that the unfortunate event happened to. The truth of it all is: We don't really know what is out there, so we go by what we either know or are most comfortable with, and that is all good and how it needs to be. All Religions are fallable no matter how right we feel we are. Nothing Is Perfect especially, if mankind created it. Religion has been created by man, and ALL Religions state that Man Is Fallable! So there is truly no "right" Religion at all. Again, go with what you know or are comfortable with. I choose Christianity, for it is what I know and are comfortable with.If I am wrong, Then in my afterlife,if there is one, I will leave it up to whatever Entity there is to deal with then.
Forcing people to do what *you think* is right is the reason why we don't have a World Trade Center any more...

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