That famous 93 back on Ebay for the XXX,000 time

Some one has a serious problem, He should have taken the money when it was over 10,000 ...........:eek: :eek: :eek:
Damn i wish that it would finally sell, i am getting tired of seeing it.
It will never sell, it is the curse of the Mark VIII world.
he needs to ask 5k for it. then it will sell.

if i were selling mine i wouldnt ask more than 7500.
That car is in my neck of the woods... i've seen the bidding go as high as 15k and never clear reserve.... must want sticker price....
Crazy. Theres a 98 Collector Edition around here I've seen about 3 years ago with 7k on it at one dealer and about 1 year ago at another dealer with 10k, same car. Both times it was gone before I even gave it a second thought. The last time I think the dealer was asking $14,995, and thats a dealer. Both times it was gone in a few days. It is absolutely perfect.

This guy is foolish if he passed up $15.

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