The ACORN Rolodex


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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: A Review of ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis’s Rolodex Suggests Strong White House Ties

It is implausible to think, based on Bertha Lewis’s White House contacts, that Barack Obama is not paying attention to ACORN.

On Sunday, Barack Obama played ignorant on the situation with ACORN. Obama told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, “Frankly, it’s not really something I’ve followed closely. I didn’t even know that ACORN was getting a whole lot of federal money.” Never mind that Barack Obama used to work for ACORN.

Based on information obtained by RedState, we think Barack Obama may live to regret those words.

The story in a nutshell:
* Bertha Lewis is the CEO of ACORN.
* In a review of Lewis’s contacts list, which was leaked to RedState, Bertha Lewis has the office, cell phone, home number, and private personal email address of Patrick Gaspard.
* Patrick Gaspard holds Karl Rove’s position in the White House and was Obama’s Political Director during the campaign.
* In addition to Patrick, Bertha has Patrick’s brother Michael in her rolodex. She lists Michael as working at the Advance Group.
* The Advance Group is ACORN’s lobbying organization.
* In other words, besides having Obama’s political director’s contact info, the political director’s brother works for ACORN via its lobbying shop.

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