Well I brought home that cutlass a week or so ago and here are some updates on it. After giving the car the once over, all the floor boards are ROTTEN, there is bondo everywhere, but that olds 350 runs like a top, even with the quadrajunk on top of it. The guy I got it from said it was sitting for 2 years so I'm runnin a couple tanks of gas through it before I put the edelbrock performer series carb on it [$30.00], and the new wires are on the way. I ran straight 2.5 inch pipe out in front of the rear tires and it is loud! We almost got the frontend back together last night and all the rats and debris out of it, I also found the original oil cap in the fenderwell woohoo. We also tore out the core support and replaced it, but the old condenser, wich was the tranny cooler wouldn't fit so I'll be gettin a new cooler also, Soon I'll be tearin the carpet out and fixin the floor boards. I've come up with 2 color schemes for it so far and I would like a vote. #1 white with a flat black hood and spoiler, #2 or white with 2 blue stripes.