The Bush-hater's dream


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Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006 3:15 p.m. EDT

Bush 'Assassinated' in British TV Film

British public broadcaster Channel 4 is courting controversy with what it calls a "shockingly real" drama about the fictional assassination of President George W. Bush.

"Death of a President," shot in the form of a documentary examining the assassination, will use a blend of archival footage and computer-generated special effects to portray Bush in October 2007 arriving in Chicago during an anti-war rally.

In the film, Bush is killed by a sniper, and the investigation quickly focuses on a Syrian-born man. It will air in October on Channel 4's More4 digital channel, as well as at the Toronto Film Festival in September.

"It's a pointed political examination of what the war on terror is doing to the American body politic," said More4 boss Peter Dale at a press conference on Thursday.

Promotional materials described the program as "a thought-provoking critique of the contemporary U.S. political landscape."

Dale acknowledged that the program will be controversial, but maintained that it was a sophisticated work meant to spur debate.

"I'm sure there will be people upset by it," he said. "I hope people will see the intention as a good one."

Channel 4, which is publicly owned but funded by advertising, was criticized last week by outgoing ITV Chief Executive Charles Allen for its reliance on reality TV shows and "shock docs."

More4's autumn schedule also includes "The Trial of Tony Blair," a satirical program about the future resignation of the British Prime Minister.

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
I'm trying to think how I would have responded if a movie came out with Clinton being shot. I'm confident I would have been offended, especially if it were made by foreigners. This is bad taste, it easily could have been made using a fictional character who may have resembeld the President.

I bet the movie's theme is "How terrorism is America's fault."
Calabrio said:
I'm trying to think how I would have responded if a movie came out with Clinton being shot. I'm confident I would have been offended, especially if it were made by foreigners. This is bad taste, it easily could have been made using a fictional character who may have resembeld the President.

I bet the movie's theme is "How terrorism is America's fault."

Just imagine how the left would react if a movie came out about Clinton being captured and beheaded by terrorists.
Actually, they are Canadian.
They don't have a bill of rights like Americans do.
Calabrio said:
Actually, they are Canadian.
They don't have a bill of rights like Americans do.

WTF are you talking about? Did you even bother to check? We certainly do have a Bill of Rights. Obviously it's not identical to yours, but it's OUR Bill of Rights. Here it is if you want to look at it:

I think the movie is a interesting concept. One of those "what if" deals. What's all the fuss about? Isn't one of the tenets of your democracy Freedom of Speech? Or is that only if they say nicey-nicey things? I've watched another Brit film about "what if there was a dirty bomb gone off in London". Was interesting.

This film will certainly make one think. I don't like Bush, but I don't want him dead. But I sometimes wonder what the terrible consequences of an assaniation would be like (not of only a US President, but any major world leader), and how the whole world would be affected forever. And that's what films are supposed to do. Provoke thought, reaction, etc.. It's just a film fellas...breathe...
RRocket said:
WTF are you talking about? Did you even bother to check? We certainly do have a Bill of Rights. Obviously it's not identical to yours, but it's OUR Bill of Rights. Here it is if you want to look at it:
I know what you have.

You don't have a "bill of rights" like we have in the United States, and your government is notorious, in the European tradition, of censoring all kinds of speech. Try telling a French joke on the radio, see how long it takes before you're charged with "hate speech."

And, how long have you really had those "fundamental freedoms." You're system resembles the British system, not the American one.

I think the movie is a interesting concept. One of those "what if" deals. What's all the fuss about? Isn't one of the tenets of your democracy Freedom of Speech? Or is that only if they say nicey-nicey things? I've watched another Brit film about "what if there was a dirty bomb gone off in London". Was good.
No one prevented it from happening, so issues of "rights" aren't in play here. The question is whether it's in good taste. It's not. It's offensive and distasteful.

This film will certainly make one think. I don't like Bush, but I don't want him dead. But I DO wonder what the terrible consequences of an assaniation would be like (not of only a US President, but any major world leader), and how the whole world would be affected forever. It's just a film fellas...breathe...
And it's in bad taste, and the same story could have been made with a fictional character as the President. Rather than going for the "shock value" or- playing to the "artistic" radical left community.

This will be a message movie, no doubt. It will be critical of Bush. It will have a leftist agenda. And it has him getting shot, something the radical left might even embrace. Will the "mis run office" be taken over by an even more "radical" fake Cheney? Who know, who cares, no one will see the movie, and the only press this movie gets will be because of this distasteful gimmick. But it's interesting to note that it's the left wing resorting to these cheap cinema tricks, yet again.

Again, this would be in bad taste and offensive during peace time. But during a time of war, it's dispicable.
In bad taste...riiiight...I'm sure you'd be the 1st to pitch a fit if someone made a film that depicted and Iraqi leader, North Korean Leader or Iranian leader being assasinated, right? You'd be soooo upset, eh?? Or what about when the South Park guys had Saddam blowing the devil..I bet you were outraged then, too huh? I mean...that's bad taste too, no?

As far as the rights...The same thing would happen in the US (and it has) if there were jokes about some minority on a radio station. Hosts have lost their jobs over crap like this. It happens in the US too.....Canada is far more politically incorrect than the US......
I guess while we're on the topic...There are few, if any rights that you guys have that we don't. And our personal privacy laws are better than yours.....
RRocket said:
In bad taste...riiiight...I'm sure you'd be the 1st to pitch a fit if someone made a film that depicted and Iraqi leader, North Korean Leader or Iranian leader being assasinated, right? You'd be soooo upset, eh?? Or what about when the South Park guys had Saddam blowing the devil..I bet you were outraged then, too huh? I mean...that's bad taste too, no?
Well, if you're saying that the Canadians are interested in producing anti-American propoganda, vilifying and dehumanizing the American President, then I guess there's no problem at all.

As far as the rights...The same thing would happen in the US (and it has) if there were jokes about some minority on a radio station. Hosts have lost their jobs over crap like this. It happens in the US too.....Canada is far more politically incorrect than the US......

No, the anti-hate speech laws in Canada are infinitely more repressive. But your last sentence ends in agreement, Canada is even more politically correct than the U.S.

RRocket said:
I guess while we're on the topic...There are few, if any rights that you guys have that we don't. And our personal privacy laws are better than yours.....
That's not true, but it's unimportant.
RRocket said:
I think the movie is a interesting concept. One of those "what if" deals. What's all the fuss about? Isn't one of the tenets of your democracy Freedom of Speech? Or is that only if they say nicey-nicey things? I've watched another Brit film about "what if there was a dirty bomb gone off in London". Was interesting.

This film will certainly make one think. I don't like Bush, but I don't want him dead. But I sometimes wonder what the terrible consequences of an assaniation would be like (not of only a US President, but any major world leader), and how the whole world would be affected forever. And that's what films are supposed to do. Provoke thought, reaction, etc.. It's just a film fellas...breathe...

Well, that was predictable. Non-Americans supporting anti-American propaganda. What a surprise.

I saw this coming..... The British Daily Mail has a long article on this movie. And, ultimately, it comes down to this:

t home and abroad, the gloating over Bush's death soon gave way to a sober realisation that he had actually been a check on Dick Cheney's ruthless way of defending America from enemies at home or abroad.

Executive orders authorising detention without trial of citizens as well as aliens suspected of 'terrorist affiliations' and closing America's borders were signed off with astonishing alacrity, as were military plans to strike regimes that had celebrated Bush's death.

And then Cheney and the Bush Administration launches aggressive attacks around the world, setting the World into flames, starting the next World War.

What did I say: The movie would have an "He had it coming tone." "It would speak of the danger of Cheney presidency."

ANTI-US, LEFTIST, PROPOGANDA. This is the crap that is made by ENEMIES of a state.

Also note, the murder of the President in this film isn't being done just by an actor. They digitally applied Bush's face to the actor, so it will be disturbingly life like.
Calabrio said:
Also note, the murder of the President in this film isn't being done just by an actor. They digitally applied Bush's face to the actor, so it will be disturbingly life like.

Imagine how Laura Bush must feel to see that filth.
All right...since I hate America so much, I'll play devil's advocate. Since you guys (seemingly) are in touch with America alot better than I, what do YOU think would happen if either Bush or Cheney were assassinated? What type of fall-out would the world expect? This is a serious question..just wondering what you guys think would happen...
Calabrio said:
That's not true, but it's unimportant. is true. Our privacy laws are among the best in the world. And while it may be unimportant to you (or this discussion) it's important to me!!
RRocket said: is true. Our privacy laws are among the best in the world. And while it may be unimportant to you (or this discussion) it's important to me!!
As I said, it's not important in regards to this discussion. And since I've never formally studied Canadian law, I can't get too deep into the subject. But the Canadians are the embodiment of the European Nanny-State in North America. Big government contradicts with the notion of personal freedom and personal responsibility.

But you're making the ambiguous claim, stating it's important to follow up on , explain how it is so.

Are you talking only about the privacy laws that came about in the 1980s, that seem to primarily impact data sharing and privacy of that nature? I'm speaking in broader, civil liberty/federal terms. You live in a semi-socialist country with socialized education and high taxes? How does that equate to privacy?

All right...since I hate America so much, I'll play devil's advocate. Since you guys (seemingly)
You used the plural, so I'm going to assume you're including me. I never made any statement or implied that you hated America. I just wanted to address that-

are in touch with America alot better than I, what do YOU think would happen if either Bush or Cheney were assassinated? What type of fall-out would the world expect? This is a serious question..just wondering what you guys think would happen...
There are two issues here.

When ever the President is incapacitated, it briefly disrupts the American government. But by design, and with the succession of power, the government is always functioning. And within hours a new President is sworn in and business continues. There's a delayed social impact, but the working of government isn't supposed to be interupted, especially in time of war.

But this movie doesn't just address the interesting hypothetical. It uses digital images to display the President bleeding to death from a gun shot wound to the stomach. To enhance the realism, they don't even use an actor who resembles the President, they actually use his face digitally placed on another body.

And SPOILER ALERT- the movie then goes on to say Dick Cheney orchestrated the entire thing inorder to ascend to power, frame Syria and Iran, and start a World War 1.

This is a example of an idiot film maker, with a political agenda, and only the most elementary understanding of history, producing propoganda. He's mixing a small touching of WW1 (arch duke ferdinan) with leftwing nutjob conspiracy bullcrap.

Again, Bush is shot by a conspiracy orchestrated by Vice-President Cheney in this movie. Not even, President Jones (who happens to be a 5'11 Texan) is shot by his middle aged bald vice-President.
You didn't answer my question at all. I am well aware of the the safe-guards put in place, although when Reagan was shot there was confusion even among those in power. What do you think would be the ramifications if Bush or Cheney was murdered? The United States would change forever (likely), and there would be repercussions around the world. Now answer my question: What do you think would happen?
RRocket said:
You didn't answer my question at all. I am well aware of the the safe-guards put in place, although when Reagan was shot there was confusion even among those in power. What do you think would be the ramifications if Bush or Cheney was murdered? The United States would change forever (likely), and there would be repercussions around the world. Now answer my question: What do you think would happen?

How about you answer any of the numerous challenges previously put forward?

There aren't enough specifics to tell you what would happen. The perceived confusion regarding Alexander Haig after Reagan was shot has been misrepresented and misquoted. But I'm sure, given the day and age we live in, considerably more thought has been given to the succession of power than in past decades.

But without knowing who was responsible for the killing and the manner in which it was done, I can't even begin to speculate. However, I do take comfort knowing that Cheney was picked because of his knowledge, skill and ability to take over the role of the Presidency in this event, and not just chosen because he might pick up the vote in Texas.
I guess it doesn't matter how he gets killed...whether he gets pushed down a flight of stairs or shot in the melon. It WOULD matter who did it. If it was some home grown loonie, I think the consequences would be less dire. But let's say it was an enemy of the US. Pick one..Al-Queda, Saudi Arabia (yea, yea..I know..they're an "ally"...chuckle, chuckle), Iran, NK. What then? I've narrowed it down some. Care to speculate now? I it really a big deal to speculate? This is purely hypothetical. Give it your best shot. I'm interested in your answser.
RRocket said:
I guess it doesn't matter how he gets killed...whether he gets pushed down a flight of stairs or shot in the melon. It WOULD matter who did it. If it was some home grown loonie, I think the consequences would be less dire. But let's say it was an enemy of the US. Pick one..Al-Queda, Saudi Arabia (yea, yea..I know..they're an "ally"...chuckle, chuckle), Iran, NK. What then? I've narrowed it down some. Care to speculate now? I it really a big deal to speculate? This is purely hypothetical. Give it your best shot. I'm interested in your answser.

Well, I think you know the answer to this.

If a foreign government or organization were responsible, directly or indirectly, for the death of the President, there would be hell to pay.

But, with that said, when Hussein attempted to have President George Bush (41) assassinated during the Clinton administration, virtually nothing was said about it and there was no significant repricussion.

But back to the topic of the thread- that's not what the movie is about. It's not a critical or thoughtful look at a realistic hypothetic. It's a movie about Dick Cheney having the President killed inorder to launch a broader World War. That's very different.

You're Canadian, but since you don't really have any world leaders, imagine the outrage if you heard a movie about Alan Thicke being murdered by Celine Dion was going to be released .;)
Calabrio said:
You're Canadian, but since you don't really have any world leaders, imagine the outrage if you heard a movie about Alan Thicke being murdered by Celine Dion was going to be released .;)
RRocket said:
You didn't answer my question at all. I am well aware of the the safe-guards put in place, although when Reagan was shot there was confusion even among those in power. What do you think would be the ramifications if Bush or Cheney was murdered? The United States would change forever (likely), and there would be repercussions around the world. Now answer my question: What do you think would happen?

I refuse to be drawn in to the very despicable discussion that the movie is attempting to provoke.

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