The Daily Kos’s Smear Campaign Against the COP


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Aug 30, 2005
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When Astroturf Goes Cyberturf — the Daily Kos’s Smear Campaign Against the COP
by James J. Benoit

In the face of what is almost certain to be a massive electoral repudiation of President Obama, the Democrat controlled Congress, and their far left agenda at the hands of American voters on November 2nd, the radical far left website “Daily Kos” is pleading for its readers to engage in a coordinated effort of “cyber insurgency” or what could be termed “cyber-astroturfing” or “cyber-turfing.”

Kos has previously engaged in this practice which is also known as “search engine optimization” or SEO. Essentially this is a coordinated effort to flood the internet with unflattering stories about Republican Congressional candidates in the run up to the November 2nd mid-term elections. This “cyber-turfing” effort would cause internet search engines to “top list” negative stories from the Main Stream Media, leftist blogs, and other anti-conservative internet content by moving it to the top of search engine “results” list. The effectiveness of this technique stems from the reality that most readers confine their attention to just the headlines or first few lines of stories about any given subject as they search the internet using just a few key “search terms.” Kos’s “cyber-turfing” would keep eyes on anti-Republican/conservative media and blog stories that pop up first.

This effort is aimed at undecided independents seeking information about particular candidates who “Google” them on the internet. This “cyber-turfing” negative campaign effort involves using hyperlinks to redirect and drive internet traffic to specifically targeted negative stories about Republicans running for the U.S. House of Representatives. The Daily Kos is targeting these races by determining, through various polling sources, what are considered to be the 98 most competitive Congressional races.

Authored by Chris Bowers, this is a part of the Daily Kos “call to action”:
Here at Daily Kos, we are going to engage in very different, but still very important, form of election activism. It’s a type of activism no one else is working on, and it is well-suited to our medium as a blog. It’s a grassroots-based search engine optimization campaign, which I call Grassroots SEO for short.

Campaign Goal and Theory

The goal of Grassroots SEO is to get as many undecided voters as possible to read the most damaging news article about the Republican candidate for Congress in their district. It is based on two simple premises:

One of the most common political activities people take online is to use search engines, mainly Google, to find information on candidates.

These results of these searches are always in flux based upon hyperlinks anyone posts anywhere on the Internet, including message board comments and social networking sites (but not email).​
Later in the instructions Bowers lists the top three criteria for his cyber army of “Obamatrons” to follow, notice the altruism and fairness Bowers asks of his minions:
Title damaging in and of itself. Not many people who see the article will actually click through and read it. So, it is critically important that the title itself is damaging to the Republican candidate in some way.

Name of candidate in title. In addition to a catchy title, it is key that the name of the candidate appear in the title itself. This will both help the SEO effort, and lead to more people clicking through to the article.

From a well-known, non-partisan news source.​
There are more instructions but you get “the drift” of what the Daily Kos is attempting to engineer. I love the last line; the “non-partisan” media is sure to be one big roiling caldron of negative stories about Republicans, Tea Party candidates and conservatives in general as the elections near and Democrats await the tolling of the bell – the bell sounding the end of their failed agenda.

Americans are already well conditioned to displays of faux “spontaneous” support for liberal causes and liberal candidates by the apparatchiks in the Democrat Party and its foot soldiers in the media and the blogosphere. These efforts are usually coordinated activities by the Democrat Party and the various liberal lobbying groups, most often unions, environmental groups, and the more narrowly focused special interest groups like the NAACP or LULAC. “Astroturfing” is generally for the benefit of TV news cameras and is meant to provide the illusion of wide support for a cause or candidate, usually the far left agenda, and particularly in the last year and a half in the face of genuine spontaneous populist uprisings against the Obama agenda by true grass roots citizens groups – specifically the Tea Party. It is clear that the far left recognizes the existential threat that the Tea Party poses to modern Obama style American socialism and the relative few for whom it benefits most generously.

Now even well planned liberal hate fests like last Saturday’s “One Nation Working Together” rally, also known as “Commie-stock” or “Trash-a-palooza” are falling flat as voters abandon the Obama/Reid/Pelosi radical leftist agenda of “spend, spend, spend” which will inevitably necessitate “tax, tax, tax” if we as nation don‘t push aside liberal Democrat special interests and begin to “cut, cut, cut” spending.

The public is turning against Democrat (and some Republican) politicians who have brought this economic quagmire upon the American public, and now we have the massive tragedy that will be “Obamacide,” excuse me, I meant “Obamacare” looming on the horizon. Against this backdrop it’s amazing to me that some pundits dare to wonder why scores of American businesses and the American people in general are uncertain about our future.

American jobs continue to disappear, public employee and teachers unions and their elected allies continue to put personal greed before city, state, and country, and most importantly the tax payer. Obama’s deficits and the National debt continue to pile up, our “allies” in Pakistan have cut off fuel and supplies to our troops in Afghanistan as they are increasing coming under siege in that huge pile of rocks, Iran is making the rest of the Middle East an even bigger power keg as it edges toward becoming a nuclear state, China is becoming more bellicose and belligerent, popular unrest is sweeping Western Europe – which is buckling under the weight of its liberal socialist policies, the very same failed policies that liberal America politicians want to import to America.

So what is the DailyKos’ answer to all these problems? It wants to rig the internet to try to fool voters into maintaining the failed Obama/liberal Democrat status quo.

How sad and unfortunate.

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