The definitive report on the fake Obama COLB


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Has finally hit the web..

And I will say this: I truly feel sorry for all you Obama supporters. Maybe had the mainstream press given you all of the information, you may have pondered your support for this man and voted differently. Personally, I doubt it would have made any difference to some of you, but for others, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. You just didn't know what you didn't know.

It is incredibly long but if you are a person that seeks the truth, no matter what those truths reveal, you will be compelled to read and reread until you understand it.

The Obamabots successful took down the 'NaturalBornCitizen' blogsite of Leo C. Donofrio several days ago. This is the guy whose case is now before the Supreme Court. If they are successful in taking down the Free Republic site and can't hook up, PM me.

And thank you for your time and consideration. Our Constitution is too valuable to have allowed an unqualified person to take the helm.

And as I said nearly a year ago, OBAMA IS UNELECTABLE.
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Ah yes. The signs of denial. Chirp,chirp.

Here, I'll help you out.

If you want to prove anything to yourself, take one of the Obama scanned COLB images, any of them will do, print it out full size (8-1/2x11), tri-fold it in the manner Fact-Check used when they 'supposedly' photographed it and see what you get. Match the angles of the folds with the text from the camera's perspective. Have fun!
It appears this person did his homework concerning the colb but I have an interesting observation.
With all this "proof", why to date has he not provided this material to the courts, and the media?
If this evidence of fraud is so devastatingly accurate, why is it not being broadcast on the media?
Why hasn't any of the media stated "we have documents in our possession that may proove to undermine the candidacy of President elect Obama.
Our staff is currently processing this material, and we will make available, the resulte of our findings."
This could in no way put any broadcast media in the position of conveying anything that may be a wild goose chase, and making then look bad.
I still say it is all a bunch of bull.
If the evidence was as this dude professes,he would have handed it over to the government officials, as well as the press.
I think this dude has been smoking those funny cigarettes again.
Oh, maybe he didn't inhale.
I've been looking into the Fake COLB since the first day it was posted on Daily Kos.

It is not like this has just popped up, It has been studied and studied since day one.

Trust me, this report is getting into the right hands. Polarik will probably be called to testify in at least 2 of the proceedings.

Go to the FactCheck site and look at those photos. I have all the high-res ones so you are at a disadvantage when looking ot the lower-res stuff they posted. But it will be apparent why there are no full front shots and no complete back shots and why they stick a shadow over the only decent front shot.

There is a very deep cover up going on here. Even deeper than just Obama.

Don't get me wrong. This is so bad that I hope that I am wrong. I am more afraid that I might be right.

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