The difficulty of intellectually engaging the Left


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The difficulty of intellectually engaging the Left
By Dennis Prager

Oct 25, 2005

One of the more appealing aspects about being on the Left is that you do not necessarily have to engage your opponents in debates over the truth or falsehood of their positions. You can simply dismiss your opponent as "anti."

Anti-worker: It all began with Marxism. If you opposed communism or socialism, you were not merely anti-communist or anti-socialist, you were anti-worker. This way of dismissing opponents of leftist ideas is now the norm. Anyone, including a Democrat, who raises objections to union control of state and local politics is labeled anti-worker: "anti-teacher," "anti-firefighter," "anti-nurse," etc. This is how the unions are fighting California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's attempts to rein in unauthorized union spending of members' dues to advance leftist political goals. He is depicted as an enemy of all these groups.

Anti-education: Those who object to the monopoly that teachers' unions have on public education and to their politicization of the school curricula are labeled "anti-education." Of course, the irony is that if you love education, you must oppose the teachers' unions.

Anti-intellectual: If you object to the dwindling academic standards at universities, or to the lack of diversity in ideas there, you are dismissed as "anti-intellectual." Given the universities' speech codes, the intellectually stifling Political Correctness that pervades academia, and the emotionalism that characterizes most leftist views on campus (American "imperialism," Israeli "apartheid," "war for oil" are emotional outbursts, not serious positions), if any side seems to express anti-intellectualism, it would be the Left.

Anti-Semite: Leftists who attack Israel frequently claim that they are shut down by irresponsible charges of anti-Semitism. The claim is that people who criticize Israeli government policies are labeled anti-Semites. I have never come across a normative conservative or any other pro-Israel source that has labeled mere criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. It is those who single out Israel of all the nations of the world for intense criticism, those who argue that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish state (that it is, by definition, a "racist" state) who are sometimes charged -- and sometimes validly so -- with anti-Semitism.

What is rarely noted is how often the Left will label anti-liberal comments as "veiled anti-Semitism." A left-wing Jew at a Jewish seminary sent out an e-mail charging Ann Coulter with anti-Semitism. His grounds? All of her attacks on liberals were really attacks on Jews. That she herself never made such a connection and that the vast majority of liberals are not Jews mean nothing to those who believe that "anti-liberal" often means anti-Jew.

Anti-black ("racist"): Perhaps the most common of the Left's "anti" epithets is "anti-black," i.e., "racist." If a person opposes race-based affirmative action, for example, he is likely to be called a racist. And, of course, the recent libeling of Bill Bennett as a racist was a classic example. Though he and his wife have done more for blacks than most people in public life, black or white, Bennett implied while making another point (about abortion) that blacks were disproportionately involved in violent crime. This is a statistical fact and a sociological tragedy. But because a conservative made the point, the charge of racism permeated the (liberal) media.

Anti-woman: If you oppose any aspect of feminism, you are likely to be called anti-woman or "misogynist." If you oppose "equal pay for equal work" because you believe it undermines economic freedom, you're anti-woman. If you oppose abortion on demand because you believe that the human fetus has a right to live, you are against women's rights.

Anti-peace: The very fact that anti-war and "peace" activists have labeled themselves "pro-peace" and "anti-war" renders their opponents vulnerable to charges of opposing peace and even loving war. Again, no intellectual argument is needed. According to much left-wing rhetoric, those who support the war in Iraq do not love peace. Of course, there was no peace in Iraq prior to the American deposing of Saddam Hussein, and there would be far more bloodshed if America now left Iraq. But it is far harder to engage those arguments than to label those who make them "anti-peace."

Anti-gay (homophobe): It is the rare proponent of same-sex marriage who acknowledges that it is possible to oppose this redefining of marriage yet affirm the equal humanity of gays. Overwhelmingly, the response to those who wish to maintain the normative way of forming a family -- basing it on a married man and woman -- is to simply declare them "homophobic."

The same is true for conservative policies on the economy -- "anti-poor" -- and for opposition to any leftist policy on the environment -- "anti-environment."

The "anti" arguments are effective. Conservatives have to spend half their time explaining that they are not bad people before they can be heard. But the Left has paid a great price. Because they have come to rely so heavily on one-word dismissals of their opponents, they have few arguments.

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Great article. BTW, I was watching O'Reilly last night and he was referring to the UConn students who shouted down Ann Coulter as 'Nazis." Apparently the Nazis in the 30's used the same tactics to quell their opposition.

Interesting how when a liberal like Ariana Huffington makes a speech, Conservatives leave her alone, but when Ann Coulter makes a speech, the crowd goes crazy and protests her. Who's the Nazi here?
fossten said:
Great article. BTW, I was watching O'Reilly last night and he was referring to the UConn students who shouted down Ann Coulter as 'Nazis." Apparently the Nazis in the 30's used the same tactics to quell their opposition.

Interesting how when a liberal like Ariana Huffington makes a speech, Conservatives leave her alone, but when Ann Coulter makes a speech, the crowd goes crazy and protests her. Who's the Nazi here?

"Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."

95DevilleNS said:
"Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship…Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger."


Okay, Deville, this is from Posting Quotations 101:

In order to keep credibility, STATE YOUR SOURCE.
fossten said:
Okay, Deville, this is from Posting Quotations 101:

In order to keep credibility, STATE YOUR SOURCE.

Deville is quoting Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials.

That's a liberal attempt at being clever. Of course, this quote is mentioned on every single peacenik website on the internet. Because, of course, according to these people all wars are unjust, nothing (besides American) is evil, and nothing is worth fighting for (unless you are fighting America).

But, interestingly enough, Deville's statement reinforces the point made in the article. He responds by implying that the Right is anti-peace, pro-war, and a bunch of nazis.
We should all remember the Nazis were not on the right, they were the National Socialist Party.

Facist are but one facet of socialism where the STATE is all. Look at the methods of the left and compare them to those of Hitler and his writings, all of you professing to be liberals.

The holacaust was PC gone wild validated by "intellectuals" and scientific minds that knew humans were just another animal, OK to use as lab rats. Remember many were caught up it it, not just Jews. We're headed down that path right now.
Calabrio said:
Deville is quoting Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials.

That's a liberal attempt at being clever. Of course, this quote is mentioned on every single peacenik website on the internet. Because, of course, according to these people all wars are unjust, nothing (besides American) is evil, and nothing is worth fighting for (unless you are fighting America).

But, interestingly enough, Deville's statement reinforces the point made in the article. He responds by implying that the Right is anti-peace, pro-war, and a bunch of nazis.

I guess that is one way of seeing it... Another would be history repeating itself. What Goering stated nearly 60 years ago is similar to what is going on today. BTW, I didn't copy/paste that from a 'peacenik' as you say website. It came from a famous qoutes website.

There you go again with the slander ' America is evil' nonsense.
95DevilleNS said:
I guess that is one way of seeing it... Another would be history repeating itself. What Goering stated nearly 60 years ago is similar to what is going on today. BTW, I didn't copy/paste that from a 'peacenik' as you say website. It came from a famous qoutes website.

There you go again with the slander ' America is evil' nonsense.

There's nothing going on today in our government that even REMOTELY RESEMBLES Nazi-ism, unless you are looking at the prevarication of the left wing Democrat demagogues.

You keep forgetting that we WERE attacked.

Or do you think that 9/11 was some elaborate fake dreamed up by Bush?
fossten said:
There's nothing going on today in our government that even REMOTELY RESEMBLES Nazi-ism, unless you are looking at the prevarication of the left wing Democrat demagogues.

Not your fault your leaders lie to you.

“The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is repeated over and over.” — Adolph Hitler

fossten said:
You keep forgetting that we WERE attacked.

Or do you think that 9/11 was some elaborate fake dreamed up by Bush?

No, I didn't forget. But did Saddam send out the terrorist? Did he bank roll them? You have said yourself that Iraq isn't/wasn't about 9/11.
95DevilleNS said:
Not your fault your leaders lie to you.

“The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. Especially if it is repeated over and over.” — Adolph Hitler...
Are you admitting that the Dem leaders lie to the people? Or are you going back to that tired, worn old "Bush lied" crap?

95DevilleNS said:
No, I didn't forget. But did Saddam send out the terrorist? Did he bank roll them? You have said yourself that Iraq isn't/wasn't about 9/11.
Did I say I was referring to Iraq? No I don't think so. I was referring to the War on Terror.

Which war are YOU referring to?
fossten said:
Are you admitting that the Dem leaders lie to the people? Or are you going back to that tired, worn old "Bush lied" crap?

Did I say I was referring to Iraq? No I don't think so. I was referring to the War on Terror.

Which war are YOU referring to?

I said 'your leaders', not sure how you constructed that into Dem Leaders...

So a war on terror isn't going in Iraq?
Don't you get it-
Deville doesn't have to make a point, since, according to his posts, he's debating with the equivalent of Nazis.
Calabrio said:
Don't you get it-
Deville doesn't have to make a point, since, according to his posts, he's debating with the equivalent of Nazis.

Did I call you or anyone else here a Nazi? Don't take it personal.
95DevilleNS said:
So a war on terror isn't going in Iraq?

Not according to you and your Fib leaders. According to you, we went into Iraq after oil, remember?

You really need to try to keep your story straight. It's humorous how you're all over the map.
fossten said:
Not according to you and your Fib leaders. According to you, we went into Iraq after oil, remember?

You really need to try to keep your story straight. It's humorous how you're all over the map.

Ya, Im the one thats all over the map.... The reasons we're in Iraq revolve on a daily basis. "We're in Iraq to fight the war on terror, even thought Saddam did not attack us." ????? I hate to break it to you, every terrorist in the world isn't hiding in Iraq nor are they Iraqis, how many of the terrorist involved on 9/11 attacks where Iraqi? Was it one or none? If you were a terrorist hell bent on on attacking and killing Americans, would you be in Iraq when the US military is there? Answer is no.
95DevilleNS said:
If you were a terrorist hell bent on on attacking and killing Americans, would you be in Iraq when the US military is there? Answer is no.


First of all, OBVIOUSLY the terrorists are THERE IN IRAQ. The Mainstream Media never lets us forget that they are still killing American soldiers.

But you miss the obvious point. The last thing Al Qaeda wants in the middle east is a symbol of American success and a free Iraq. That gives Western Civ. a foothold in that region, which will encourage other nations to follow suit. That would be terrible for terrorists. That's why they are concentrating their efforts in Iraq to try to prevent what's happening. They know it will hurt their efforts against us. They also know that if we cut and run, as you continually suggest we do, then they will have an easier time locking down the country and setting up another malevolent dictatorship.

Ever study civics? I thought not.

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