The great John Kerry goose hunt


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
The Q and A is so revealing about this guy.

Q: Did you shoot any geese, senator? A: thumbs up.
Q: You get any? A: Everybody got one. Everybody got one.
Q: Why aren't you carrying yours? A: (laughter) Too lazy.
Q: Heavy? A: No, still giddy over the Red Sox. It was hard to focus.

I have seen the video footage showing the 4 guys walking with 3 birds. Did the dog eat one?

I think that this is how the real question session went.

Q: Did you shoot any birds?
A: No, I didn't but I figured if I put the 'ol thunbs up out there, you idiots would 'think' I did.

Q: You get any?
A: Of course not. I'm married to Theresa so you know I never get any.

Q: Why aren't you carrying yours?
A: Carrying what?

Q: Heavy?
A: Oh ya, I think I went a little over-board on my outfit. And the 2 pairs of stretch long johns are really binding in the crotch. They were making me see cross-eyed.

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I love this quote from this guy. Too funny.

Hugh Hewitt asks, "How do you ask a goose to be the last goose to die for a campaign stunt? How do you ask a goose to die for a photo op?"
Of course I believe this hunting trip was purely political and laughable to think that there are probably some people stupid enough to believe that he's conservative or moderate because of that stunt. What a panderer. I think he danced around the questions because he didn't want to give any quotes for the animal rights people and the anti-gun people (no insult meant to these types of people). But in fairness, geese have excellent vision and if you aren't completely camouflaged, you probably won't get a goose.

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