It's clouding the issue to say that media coverage, etc. can give the public an inaccurate view of politicians.
I guess you'll have to define what the issue is.
ANY public figure now is on camera or being recorded far more than public figures of even 10 years ago. I don't think the number of gaffes is changing, I think it's the fact that so many of them are not caught on video.
To contrast Bush and Obama, when Bush made mistakes it was often SHOWCASED in the main stream news and entertainment media. These outlets tend to remain quite when Obama or someone who shares their worldview make similar mistakes.
But with the advent of "new" media, including internet, some cable news, and the "old" format of talk radio- it's more difficult for the spin doctors, image consultants, and MSM to control what we see of Obama.
It's not like Obama has been caught making a rare gaffe and that overall he's an eloquent speaker. Rather, Obama is an eloquent speaker when he has a teleprompter. Otherwise, he often sounds like a bumbling idiot, which is not to say that he is one. However, if Obama isn't an idiot despite his gaffes then neither is Bush.
I certainly don't think George W. Bush is an idiot.
Nor do I think that Obama is an idiot.
Nor do I think he sounds like a "bumbling idiot."
Obama is actually a quite eloquent and effective speaker- with or without a teleprompter. However, he is not the most POLITICALLY gifted President. When he is talking on point, something he actually cares about or believes, he's very good. He usually gets in trouble when he's trying to engage in double speak, place emphasis on an issue that he has no interest in, or things of that nature. He needs the script in order to effectively deceive.
Most liberals will accept that Obama is intelligent and reject the same for Bush because
Republicans and Conservatives are "Stupid" has been the talking point from the Democrats for the past century. Every Republican leader has been called "stupid" by the MSM since Woodrow Wilson.
W. stupid.
Clinton- genius. masterful politician. Gifted liar.
Bush stupid, wimp.
Quayle- retarded, stupid.
Reagan- senile and stupid. actor.
Ford- bumpling, clumsy, stupid.
Nixon- this is a hard one to synopsis since his career was fairly long. He was stupid, nervous, crooked, drunk.... it depends on when they made the attack.
LBJ- brilliant politician, charismatic
JFK- messianic genius.
Eisenhower- stupid.
Truman- under-appreciated genius.
FDR- saved the world. Genius.
Hoover- stupid. caused great depression.
Coolidge- stupid.
Harding- stupid.
Wilson- genius.
Taft- fat and stupid.
Obama isn't even as good as a public speaker as Bush without a teleprompter. Why?
Well, it depends on when your viewing him.
He's not as good as Bush when he's saying something he doesn't believe in.
However, he's extremely good when at a rally of socialist union leaders.
Obama's has been mentored by socialists and communists and he tries desperately to reconcile his defective communist philosophy with democratic principles because he knows that if he is honest, Americans would outright reject his vision for the United States.