Yes I do. I LOVE the old Mopars too. I used 2 GTX's in my Junkyard diorama that I built last year.hotrodlincoln93 said:Greaat hobby and collection you got there.... i've got a few of my own too ( mostly mopars), i noticed you have the general lee and a few GTX's. good stuff :wave
I must not be searching right because I've been looking for a long time (not every day) and have never come across one. Thanks Geno.ONEBADMK8 said:EBAY! EBAY! EBAY!
Heres one:
Randeaux said:Used to be really into models,not so much anymore. Seems that selection isn't there anymore. QUOTE]
EBAY, EBAY, EBAY!! Everything you could ever imagine is there. I found all my kits I had as a kid. The boxwall I posted isn't all of my kits either. Thats just what is in my office.
ONEBADMK8 said:Hurry Dave!! It's closing soon and it's cheap!![/QUOTE]
Thanks Geno, I got out bid on the last one in the last hour. Hopefully I get this one!
Jibit said:I'm still looking for that Mark VII kit on ebay but can't find one