The importance of 5 star crash rating...


May 29, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas city
I havent been on the site much this week, and this is why. My mother (in her 50's) was diving through the middle of kansas monday morning for a business trip (which she does on a regular basis). Well, sunday night, the midwest got little bit of snow, inch or two. She's from Minnesota, so this kind of weather / driving isnt new to her by any means... Anyways almost to her destination (were not sure on the details) she had a head on collision on the highway...

This was a 2005 toyota corolla







For any of you that are considering selling your LS, remember the value of a 5 star crash rating. It was something i never really though about when car shopping.... I assure you, I always will from here on out...

For those who care,
She is stable and back up to the KC area... no head trauma or internal damage. so far, only a broken arm (3 places), 9 broken ribs, broken tail bone, broken pevis (4 places), broken leg (high and low), broken knee cap,and lots of bruising... May seem like alot, but considering it was head on with a Ford Expedition... we count ourselves very lucky.

For my LVC community, pray we never have to find out how safe our cars are...but even when we think we have a handle on things on the road.. Its amazing how quickly it can disappear.

For those who pray... If you dont mind.

Thanks guys
All the best to your mom. Hope she has a speedy recovery!
Wait that was her car? Damn I am glad to hear she is doing well.. Give her our best maine (not sure if a car forums best means anything) but still def in my thoughts/prayers.
Here's to your mom. I'm very happy she's going to be OK, and I hope her recovery is quick.
Good Lord..hope your Mom is back to normal real soon. That little thing held up pretty damn well considering!
Broken tailbone????

Damn dude, good luck to your mom. At least she is alive! That is a hard impact.
I hope and pray your mom gets well soon G Rell

thats scary sh!t
Wow. Very sobering. Sorry for the pain, and I hope her recovery goes better than expected.

Any photos of the Expedition?

Fun fact: The 05 Corolla has slightly better head and chest injury scores than the 05 LS (of course, that's hitting a wall at 35mph, not an Expedition at 50...)
Wow man. Really sorry to hear about all of that. I'm happy she made it out with her life though. Cheers to a quick recovery
Thanks guys... great feeling having your support through this

Broken tailbone????

aka sacrum bone

The impact was amazing... they said the engine was 150 feet away from the car... and the trunk lid snapped itself off

Just glad its only broken bones.... she just got out of surgery so shes on our way....
Wow. Very sobering. Sorry for the pain, and I hope her recovery goes better than expected.

Any photos of the Expedition?

Fun fact: The 05 Corolla has slightly better head and chest injury scores than the 05 LS (of course, that's hitting a wall at 35mph, not an Expedition at 50...)

LOL thanks for the fun fact.... no, another tow company picked it up... but they said it was totalled
Thanks guys... great feeling having your support through this

aka sacrum bone

The impact was amazing... they said the engine was 150 feet away from the car... and the trunk lid snapped itself off

Just glad its only broken bones.... she just got out of surgery so shes on our way....

150 ft?! Holy :q:q:q:q that was one hell of an impact...
Wow. Very sobering. Sorry for the pain, and I hope her recovery goes better than expected.

Any photos of the Expedition?

Fun fact: The 05 Corolla has slightly better head and chest injury scores than the 05 LS (of course, that's hitting a wall at 35mph, not an Expedition at 50...)

found these online from local news




Just amazing....

I am sorry, its good to hear that she is for all things considered okay. I will have your mom in my prayers
Prayers going out to your Mom, and anyone else that was injured. Glad she is recovering. I wish the best for her, you and family.
Prayers going to your mom.

I know when I was hit head on it was only a 30mph crash. And the damage wasn't terrible(but enough to total it). I can't imagine a crash at highway speed. (although I do believe a high speed crash in the ls would leave the front unrecognizable, but I believe the cabin would not be all messed up like that corolla was. That's sad. I can't believe how the interior was so messed up. They shouldn't make cars that react to crashes like that.

Also when I rolled my car I was doing 70-75. And again the interior was all in tact. But every body panel was dented, crushed or falling off. But inside when the crash was over inside you couldn't tell how bad it was because my interior was still in tact.

Hopefully she'll recover quickly. And insurance will be good to her.

The 5* was one of the things I considered when I bought the ls. Love this car.
Prayers going out to your Mom, and anyone else that was injured. Glad she is recovering. I wish the best for her, you and family.

the driver of the SUV was also taken to the hospital, but they were from that town... i asked the sheriff and her first hospital but they couldn't give me that info. The tow driver said he seemed to think they were ok... I hope so
Thanks everyone

Prayers going to your mom.

I know when I was hit head on it was only a 30mph crash. And the damage wasn't terrible(but enough to total it). I can't imagine a crash at highway speed. (although I do believe a high speed crash in the ls would leave the front unrecognizable, but I believe the cabin would not be all messed up like that corolla was. That's sad. I can't believe how the interior was so messed up. They shouldn't make cars that react to crashes like that.

Also when I rolled my car I was doing 70-75. And again the interior was all in tact. But every body panel was dented, crushed or falling off. But inside when the crash was over inside you couldn't tell how bad it was because my interior was still in tact.

Hopefully she'll recover quickly. And insurance will be good to her.

The 5* was one of the things I considered when I bought the ls. Love this car.

Actually the interior wasn't that bad... the pic is alittle deceiving... the tow company took all the debris and threw it in the interior. so most of that is loose pieces (ie the windshield wiper).. The whole dash detached and it was actually her body that broke the center console (which is bad)....
Agh. I see the wipers now. That's such a bad crash I can't stop looking at the pictures. I'm glad she made it.

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