The living soul and the after life.

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
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Los Angeles
Using the early poll results that I asked for, this is the start of what I hope will be, not only an exciting thread, but a helpful one as well.
I think it is important to offer some background information so that you will have a better understanding as to how I embarked on this field in the first place.
It started in 1992, shortly after my partner of 10 years passed on from lung cancer.
He was just 32 when he died.
Like any one mourning the loss of a loved one, I had my share of bad days, and it was on one of these bad days, one of my friends asked if I belived in life after death.
To be honest, the thought , or the idea of life after death , had never entered my mind.
Before my partner died, I had only two other deaths in my lifetime, so thinking about where dead people go after death was not paramount in my life.
It just didn't figure in my daily life.
That was now about to change.
When my friend confronted me regarding an after life, I was skeptical,but also interested in what he had to say.
During the conversation he suggested that I visit the local book store, and purchase a book titled, "Life after Death", written by Raymond A, Moody.
The following morning I purchased the book, and was so engrossed with it, I read it in one sitting.
To say this book peaked my interest would be a gross understatement.
I returned to the book store and purchased a couple more works from Mr. Moody, namely, "The light Beyond", "Reflections on life after life, and "Life after life".
For the next week or so, I read more than I had done in my entire life.
In one of his books(I belive it was "life after death") one of the chapters dealt with experimental research dealing with voice recording of those who have passed on.
That one chapter has done more to influirence my life than all that I have read since, with one exception, that being the day at the book store that I came across "The Sprit's Book" by Allan Kardec.
This book was written by what is called "automatic writing".
It is a process in which the author is physically writing the words, however the words are not his own, but rather the sprits (or souls if you wish) through communication with Mr Kardec, are telling him what to write.
Being a novice to this new field, I had never heard the term automatic writing, nor Allan Kardec.
If you purchase this book, there is a preface that goes into detail about the author.
He was an extremely gifted, well versed individual.
This book is for the most part in a question /answer format, and occasionally footnotes go into more detail as to the explanation of some terms used in the creation of the book.
This is a "must read" for any one even remotely interested in sprits.
I don't want to devulge too many things in this book (that would spoil it for those who want to read it) but suffice to say, you will find it difficult to put down once you start reading.
What the sprits book is all about is naturally, the sprits.
How they came too be, where they are most of the time, how they influience our lives on a daily basis, what happens to them when we die, their influience on all aspects of life.
Enough about the sprits book, you need to get this one.
Now, back to how I got involved in this field.
As stated above, Mr. Moody's book explained the experimemts going on all over the world involving voice recording of souls who have left the earth.
In it he explained the experiments of one Sarah Estep who resided in Maryland.
She had been involved for some time when I first learned of her in this book by Raymond Moody.
The process was explained in the book, and the equipment needed to do one's own experiments.
All that was needed was a inexpensive tape recorder, a radio, and a microphone.
Ms. Estep had an elobarate reel to reel system for recording but, that was not really necessary to succeed.
The inexpensive recorder I purchased at radio shack worked very well.
I am going to take a break here, and when I return, I will continue this thread.
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I mentioned earlier that God, and or devine intervention would come up from time too time in conversation.
Again, religion does in no way enter the equasion when speaking of devine intervention.
I want to explain as best I can the process, and equipment involved in experimenting with voice recording of sprits.
I am of the belief that devine intervention plays a significant role when in the process of voice recording.
Why I say this is because of the way contact is made on both sides of the "vail".
Let's start at the beginning of the process(and by the way, for any of you who would like to try this, just follow the steps).
First I purchased a cassette recorder.
All the equipment that is needed is a recorder, a microphone,a set of headphones and a radio.
Now, the recorder is turned on, a blank tape is inserted.
The radio can be anywhere in the same room you are using to record, but it is NEVER connected in any way to the recorder, but it MUST be turned on.
The radio is on, and tuned to a blank station, that being somewhere on the dial where no broadcast can be heard.
All one should be hearing from the radio is a faint hiss.
The volume should be set as low as you can get it.
One thing Ms. Estep cautioned me about in one of my many phone calls to her was, sprits come in all degrees, from troublesome to near pure.
She always started a recording session with a brief prayer for guidence and protection from what may be a troublesome sprit.
With that said, this is an explanation of how the process works.
When you are all set up, including the headset on, place the recorder on record.
State your name, and the person you are trying to contact.
Repeat that information a couple of times.
Now you can ask a question(what ever comes to mind}
Wait roughly 15 or 20 seconds, and repeat the question.
Once you have asked a couple of times, and waited, press the stop button on the recorder, and rewind the tape.
Press play.
Through your headset you will hear yourself asking the question(s), then listen closely for an answer.
You can only hear an answer to a question once you play the tape back.
Now is a good time to ask what the hell is the radio for?
The radio acts as a transmitter for the sprit voice to travel into the recorder, and placed on the tape.
Now here is where devine intervention comes into play.
If you study the system, logically there is no way a radio that is not connected in any way to the recorder can transmit anything into something it isn't physically connected too, but in fact it does just that.
Without the radio, or some other electrical device in the same room of the recording, and turned on, the answers will not be forthcomming.
I have no idea other than devine intervention as to how, or why this works.
Now, I have learned that patience is a virtue when recording.
I went one week without any results, then one night I finally got a response, well actually two responses.
One from my deceased partner, and one from a woman who was in limbo, asking for help.
I will go into this"limbo" stage later on.
I would be amiss if I didn't tell you the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I got goosebumps at actually hearing a voice from beyond.
It actually worked.
How, I still can only surmise that it was devine intervention.
When playing the tape back to see if you have received an answer, it is always advisable to play it back over and over.
The reason being that sprits speak slowly, more like in sylables than a long sentence.
An example would be, "I - am - fine - how - are - you ?, not I am fine, how are you?
Also it has been my experience that the voices are faint.
By that I mean to compare the voice would be like being in a long hallway and talking to someone at the other end of the hallway.
When they reply, their voice is echo like.
Once in a while the sprit voice is clear, and can be heard the first play back.
I am not sure how long a post can be to submit without problem, so I will post this and continue.
When I got my first reply, it was from some woman asking for help.
She kept repeating, Help me, Help me, Help me., then I never heard from her again.
When I heard my partner for the first time, I cried.
I was physically moved by the experience.
The following morning I called Ms. Estep to ask her about the woman who was asking for help.
Bear in mind, Ms.Estep has been at this for quite some time, had researched, and researched through recording, the facts pertaining to sprit behavior.
She informed me that the woman sprit was in "limbo", that being she had indeed died( perhaps unexpectedly)and was not sure of just where she was.
Many times when a sprit evacuates a body, they are not ready because it was quick, ie. plane crash, auto accident etc., they had no time to plan for exiting the body, although they are always in control when entering, or leavingthe body.
Any way, she was not quite in that special place where sprits go, and yet she had left the physical body behind.
Ms. Estep explained there are many sprits in the same circumstance.
Now, after a few nights of successful recording, the thought crossed my mind that i wasn't sure the voice of my deceased partner was in fact really him.
The way to varify it was indeed him was to ask questions that only he could possibly know the answer too.
Bingo, he answered right on the money, and now I knew for sure it was him.
I kept a log the first year of recording, and sometimes I refer back to it.
In many of the session, I have heard from sprits that when living, lived all over the globe.
Ther is just one question that I have never gotten an answer too from not only my partner, but all others, and that is, "What is it like there?"
I have heard the word "nice", but never do they elaborate more than that.
In one of my conversation with Sarah, she told me recording sessions should no got longer trhan 30 minutes, especiall if recording the same sprit.
The reason being they use tremendous energy to project their thought waves into the recorder as voice.
As I said earlier, the voice can only be heard when the tape is played back, and at best, it is somewhat faint.
One night while recording my partner, I mentioned what Sarah had said, and asked if he wanted to stop recording.
I jumped out of my chair as I heard his answer come out of the radio that was across the room.
Some how even though it was on the tape, the radio had picked it up instantly as I asked the question.
The voice was a normal level, and this surprised me because the volume on the radio was set to low.
He answered, "Bobby, I would like to rest".
With that, I stopped the session.
All my tapes are kept in a locked safe, and living alone, no one has access to them
At the time this message came across the radio, I had about ten tapes.
One evening I went to get the tape so a friend could hear it.
All of the tapes had to be heard through a headset except this one tape segment.
This one could be heard without the headset.
It was gone.
Out of all the tapes I had, this one had disappeared.
I didn't misplace it, it just disappeared.
I know for sure no one could have taken that one tape from the safe.
To this day I t has never been recovered.
One of the strangest recording sessions happened one day when I was getting ready to stop recording and go to playback.
I ended the conversation by saying, "Im gonna stop and play it back to see how you answered".
I had been recording my partner.
I played the tape back,and just after I hear my last sentence, a woman's voice said quite clearly, "Is that you Robert"?
I replayed it again and again.
There is only one person in this world that ever called me Robert, and that was my mother.
I began to wonder, did she die and no one told me.
It sure sounded like her.
I did not have a close relationship with my parents.
They lived on the east coast, and I the west.
We called once in a while, and three or four times in ten years they visited.
I thought it best to call my dad, but there was no answer.
I decided to see if I could contact her through recording.
In three tries I contacted her.
I asked questions ony she would know the answer too.
I was convinced my mother had died, and now I had contacted her in the sprit world.
From here on, it got real weird.
I asked her how she died.
Her answer. Cancer.
I asked what funeral home was used.
She told me.
Asking further, what did they(the family ) bury her in, meaning clothes.
She described a beige dress, white pearl necklace, and yellow and white corsarge.
The recording ended, and again I called my dad.
He said hello, I said Dad this is Robert.
Before I could get another word out he stated, You just missed your mother, she went to the store.
The store, how could that be?
Talk about being confused.
We spoke for a couple of minutes, mostly about their health, and assured they were both well and happy, We ended our conversation.
I got on the phone to Sarah looking for an explanation.
She informed me that some sprits (those that have an evil nature) are always doing things like this.
But how did that sprit know the correct answeres to my questions?
She explained, all sprits have different degrees of telepathy.(not sure I spelled that correctly)
The sprit posing as my mother knew the answer to my question because it was able to hone in on my thought waves ,
Unconsiously I knew the answer to the questions when asking them, and the sprit picked up on my thought waves.
While asking, I gave it the answers as well.
I was really baffeled at this point.
My recordings continued for a few more years until my hearing started growing a bit dim.
I no longer can hear the faint voices through a head set.
One more unbelivable point then I will stop for now.
A few years ago, my mother did pass away.
I don't fly so I did not attend the funeral, but did call my sister a couple of days after the funsral.
Now this is where it really gets a bit dicey.
Now remember that sprit that pretended to be my deceased mother.
That sprit told me all about the funeral, right down to the day she died, how, and what she was wearing when buried.
I asked my sister the same questions about her passing and the funeral.
It was exactly as the imposter sprit had said, right down to the color of the dress and corsarge.
It is a fact, sprits have enormous power.
Obviously one of them is looking into the future.
This is borne out in the sprit's book.
Eventually I will get into more detail as to what is in that book, but for those who may want to read it, I will pass on that for now.
that is just straight out creepy man, im gonna have to try this, my girlfriends father just died last night and no one knows how. maybe i can figure it out. you have opened up my eyes in a big way my friend, thank you.
For those who want a closer look at this subject other than what I can give here, just google "Sarah Estep" and you will find many links to her wonderful work and career,
I feel extremely fortunate in having known her from a distance, and cherish the phone conversation we had when I first got involved in this evp.
There is a wealth of information out there for any one who wants to investigate what evp is all about.
that is just straight out creepy man, im gonna have to try this, my girlfriends father just died last night and no one knows how. maybe i can figure it out. you have opened up my eyes in a big way my friend, thank you.

If you need any help, you can send me a PM.
Without going into much detail on the information available in the sprit's book, there are a couple of things I would like to submit concerning facts from that book.
When describing the soul, and it's function in our lives, it is important to know how, and why the soul is where it is, when it is.
Studies on the subject seem to dictate that the souls has one purpose, and that being purification, it's purefication.
Becoming pure enough to ascend to heaven and to be at the side of God almighty.
It is a steep ladder with many rungs to traverse, and countless numbers of re-incarnations are the hope of the soul to gain the purity to ascend to the heaven.
A soul may have had millions of lives and re-incarnations in it's never ending quest for purity.
In some, perhaps many of those lives, the soul lived a less than pure existance.
There are reasons for that.
As I said just a minute ago, becoming pure is the goal, and when the soul inhabits a body, it is well aware what that live will be like from day one till death.
Every word spoken, every deed done, every mishap, happy, healthy time is known before the soul comits to that body.
Many times the soul, on returning "home" (that place where the soul is when not in a living physical body) finds that the life he has just given up was not perfect, and feel that in order to gain purity in the face of God, it must do penance to show the creator that it is truly sorry and regretful of the life it just removed itself from.
Perhaps it inhabited the body of a murderer, or a thief.
Now it wants to do penance, and here is where their exceptional ability to look into the future comes into play.
Dpending on the amount of penance the soul feels is necessary, it will pick an approaite body to enter that best suits it's need for penance.
Bear in mind it has the uncanny ability to see, and know what that life it is about to enter, will be for it's duration.
This point , more than any other has changed my life considerably.
Stop and think about this for a minute.
The soul chooses what body it wants to re-incarnate into because it is wanting to do some sort of penance.
This soul has decided it will spend it's next incarnation in the body of a child that will be born both deft, and blind.
The soul knows full well the life will be a tedious one, and is thinking only of the tough road ahead as a rewarding penance.
So we mortals ask, why would a child be born not only deft, but blind as well?
Why are some born so afflicted they will live a vegitant life for the rest of their lives.
We as mortals are puzzled by this, and never get a clear understanding as to why these things happen.
Why, that child has hurt no one?
Why is a child born with, or perhaps later in life develops a crippling desease?
Why are some people homeless, without the goal to pick them selves up and lead a wholesome life?
Why do some people get murdered?
Why are some in jail, never to see the light of day ever again?
Why do these things happen?
Why are there nations where people are starving, and riddled with sickness?
Why are some fortunate people elevated to the highest honors this world can bestow on another human being?
Because it is the way the soul wants it to be, and nothing more.
It is the soul carrying out it designated duty.
It is penance for the soul to gain purity.
We have all heard the term "my guardian angel"
Well just who do you think is that guardian angel?
It is the soul withih you.
Everything happens for a reason.
How often have you heard those words.
Right, and the reason is the soul.
When a human does something wrong(murder, robber etc.) the soul has slipped from grace, and sometimes will vacate a body for such actions.
How many times have you heard, or seen someone who murdered, or robbed get killed shortly after the action?
This is the action of the soul wanting,and eventually giving up the corupt body.
Everything has a purpose, be it in life or death.
There is a reason for all of it.
As mortals we don't seem to be able to comprehend the true meaning of life.
When you admit to yourself that life is the soul within us, you will have a much better understanding of what life is all about.
I find myself looking at other people much differently that I use too.
When I see someone in a wheel chair, or someone with an affliction, I say to myself, that is a soul seeking purity, and leave it at that.
I no longer feel sorry for people i see that aren't as physically able as most of us.
I know what their purpose in life is.
One more point for tonight.
On another thread on this forum abortion is being discussed, and the subject of when life begins is taking center stage in that thread.
Having studied sprits (souls) and how and why they exist, I think it safe to say, life begins the minute the soul enters the body, and research states that it occurs only minutes before birth.
The souls has decided it will re-incarnate into a particular body, and the birth proceeds.
But what if, and research also states this has happened, what if the soul decides after entering a given body, it does not want to live that life, and it retreats from the body?
When that occurs, it is known as a still born, and the baby never lived.
The body doen not physically live without a soul.
When we die, the soul exits the body, and until that time happens, the body lives.
In the womb the fetus takes nourishment from the host parent.
It may move within the womb making some belive it is a living human being.
It is not a living human being, but a growing fetus that without the nourishment from it's host would sucumb in a miscarraige.
It is only a living human being once the soul enters the body.
It is an extrenmely provocative subject, and I will always be facinated by the wonder of the soul.

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