The media isn't just biased, it's complicit


Dedicated LVC Member
Oct 14, 2005
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The media isn't just biased, it's complicit.

Within the last week we've seen Van Jones resign, the first two videos demonstrating ACORNs illegality, and the 9/12 Rally in Washington D.C. These are very significant and newsworthy events. Yet there was virtual silence in the mainstream media regarding ALL of these stories?

Most people I know who aren't involved or aware of political issues didn't even know that the 9/12 Rally took place. There was virtually no coverage prior to the event, virtually none the day of, and near silence afterward. I found small one small article on it hidden inside the Sunday newspaper, understating the turnout and misrepresenting the people who showed.

Does it need to be any more obvious?
Does it need to be any more obvious?

Mmm hm. It's a massive conspiracy to turn us all into Socialists by silencing the opposition :)

Maybe because I'm closer to DC than you are, but the rally popped up in our local media as Page Two news on Friday and Saturday. I don't watch TV news, so I can't testify if there was any coverage on that, but it was a slow news weekend for central PA so I'm sure there was at least a blurb.

The Van Jones resignation has been on my radar for some time now, and I don't even follow the news as closely as some. Again, popped up in our local paper the day after, but I had heard of it the day of from reading it on a couple of online news sources & commentaries.

Acorn.... yeah don't get me started on acorn and how much I hate it. But that one slipped out of our local paper however I, again, first read about it from a few news sites. Didn't pay very close attention to that one.

If they're trying to actively silence these events, they need to do a better job because even I as a lazy consumer of news was made aware of these stories.
Wonderful, another post by and ultimately about luxuryrules.

If they're trying to actively silence these events, they need to do a better job because even I as a lazy consumer of news was made aware of these stories.

You're right.
There are alternative sources of media, news, and information available to the public now. The mainstream press, usually with the exception of Fox, has been negligent in their reporting of events and it's never been more obvious than this year.

If it weren't for these alternative sources, there would be NO critical voices of the administration and the agenda available. For example, the health care bill would have passed before the August recess.
There are alternative sources of media, news, and information available to the public now. The mainstream press, usually with the exception of Fox, has been negligent in their reporting of events and it's never been more obvious than this year.

Exactly. The MSM is left leaning in its selective reporting. That is not news, and nobody is going to disagree with you. Why exactly did you start this thread?
Exactly. The MSM is left leaning in its selective reporting. That is not news, and nobody is going to disagree with you. Why exactly did you start this thread?
I'm glad you agree.

But I'd argue that it's more than just "left leaning."
Leaning infers some kind of subtlety, maybe even unintentionally. Bias does to, like it's just a slightly different way of observing things.

This is more than that. I used the word complicit for a reason.
Mmm hm. It's a massive conspiracy to turn us all into Socialists by silencing the opposition :)
Your sarcasm is quite conspicuous, revealing your contempt.

Do you not find it very telling that the Mainstream Media didn't have any coverage of TWO MILLION PEOPLE marching in Washington?
If two million people actually marched in Washington, I would be more worried about the lack of MSM media coverage. Take it from the personal observation of people that were there for both the inauguration and the protests: there were far more people at the inauguration. And take it from somebody who has lived in DC for two decades.... there were not more than a hundred thousand people in the city. That comes from my family who are not Obama supporters but do live and work in the DC metro area.

For what it's worth, most journalists are liberals. And I hate them all :) It will be the tendency of the journalists to present their stories (and in this case, select them) with the (typically unconscious) intention of putting their side of the story in a better light. That is where the media bias comes from. For the same reason, there aren't too many liberal gunsmiths, but nobody whines about the lack thereof.

Choosing to see a bit more intent and maliciousness in the media bias is fairly serious, and I would be more interested to see greater evidence of wrongdoing. Find me a smoking gun memo or other sign of a conscious decision not to run these stories that implies a real agenda here. It's one thing to observe a bias and accuse the media of being lapdogs to the Administration, but if it's more serious than that, spell out exactly what you're getting at for us, please, Cal.

Bryan, is there anything so wrong with sitting on the fence? Being so ingrained in one side or the other is a very blinding experience and you're all suffering from the effects (yes, both sides). The really sad part is that I am a lot closer to your side, Bryan, than I am to the other, but you guys take it to such extremes that I cannot, in good faith, wholeheartedly agree. This is a discussion that does not belong in this thread, but suffice it to say that in my opinion the Republican party needs to stop acting like a bunch of spoiled children before it can start winning back votes. The antics I'm seeing from you guys now are exactly like the antics I witnessed from all the whiny college kids when Bush got elected, and it disappoints me that you're stooping to their level. I seriously expected better.

The Republicans will get my opinion, my respect, and my vote back when they can present the American people with a real plan for the future instead of just taking every chance They get to smear the current administration with a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theories. There's something to be said for discrediting the current administration, but they cannot stop there. Show the American people a realistic and workable plan for rebuilding America, and include some unique ideas that aren't limited to "blame the immigrants and send them home." EDIT: and please give us a candidate whose view on foreign policy is more comprehensive than "I can see Russia from my house."

But I digress. For the moment, I'll just engage the flame-proof suit for the barrage of insults that is sure to come my way for not buying into the "media is a leftist conspiracy" theory. As you all can tell, I have low tolerance for conspiracy theories, and it is not hard to pick up on the contempt which I am making zero effort to hide.
It's one thing to observe a bias and accuse the media of being lapdogs to the Administration, but if it's more serious than that, spell out exactly what you're getting at for us, please, Cal.
I think I did.
It's one thing to recognize a media bias. Bias can be unintentional and it can be honest. I'm sure that my "reporting" would have a different tone than something foxpaws wrote, regardless how hard we both tried to be objective and fair. Of course, mine would be more objective and fair....but I digress.

This is more than that. Some of these networks and papers are actually advocates, they are doing the work for the administration. This goes being just "seeing things a little differently."

Even if you want to pretend that organizations that are supposed to have their finger on the pulse of the country completely misjudged the significance of the event last Saturday (which isn't true, all indications show that they anticipated a high turnout and deliberately chose not to cover it), this past
week has been incredible.

The New York Times HAD a reporter on the "Tea Party Express" bus all week, yet they didn't run ANY of his stories!

Whether it's failing to report on Van Jones until AFTER he resigns, and even then to give an incomplete reporting of the events, to the growing ACORN scandal, to the Cass Sunstein confirmation, the media has been silent. And that's not just bias, the organizations are making editorial decisions based on politics.

And that should worry everyone.
However, the success of the event shows that most people have little faith in the legacy media (a better term than mainstream media), and are going to alternative sources. The information monopoly that the New York Times and the evening news once held is being busted. And every week, their credibility gets worse.

Bryan, is there anything so wrong with sitting on the fence?
I'll answer.
Yes, when it prevents you from expressing and defending clear principles. And there comes a time you just can't sit on the fence anymore.
One side of the fence is liberty and the other is tyranny.... it's not necessarily Republican or Democrat on either side.

The Republicans will get my opinion, my respect, and my vote back when they can present the American people with a real plan for the future instead of just taking every chance They get to smear the current administration with a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theories.
That's fine.
But that doesn't mean you just give the people in power unchecked power to manipulate you and radically change the country in the cover of darkness, or through things hidden in unread thousand page bills written by radical political groups like the Apollo Alliance.

The Republicans do need to EARN our respect back.
So let's just agree to halt everything coming out of DC until BOTH of these parties get their acts together, rather than making rushed decisions that will bankrupt and curse future generations.

and please give us a candidate whose view on foreign policy is more comprehensive than "I can see Russia from my house."
And please be a voter with enough common sense to not believe that kind of crap. Palin shouldn't be crowned King, but give her a fair reception if she decides to be a national candidate.

You recognize that, if nothing else, the media is biased, yet you are allowing THEM to define her for you.
I'll answer.
Yes, when it prevents you from expressing and defending clear principles. And there comes a time you just can't sit on the fence anymore.
One side of the fence is liberty and the other is tyranny.... it's not necessarily Republican or Democrat on either side.

The breakdown is more between beltway elites trying to impose their agenda (which assumes that they know what is better for you then you do) and the rest of America which is opposed to that agenda, IMO.

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