The murder of Terry Schaivo


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Personally, I think the guy is trying to make some cash off this but he does bring up many of the same points I already brought up. The plot thickens.[/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=+2][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=+2]From detective Mark Fuhrman: the true, tragic story of Terri Schiavo's untimely death[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Silent Witness: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo's Death[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
by Mark Fuhrman

Terri Schiavo is dead, but her cause -- the cause of life -- is very much alive. In [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Silent Witness: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo's Death[/font], former LAPD detective and New York Times bestselling author Mark Fuhrman details why. For although the media jackals and unconscionable Leftist hecklers who cheered her starvation and death have moved on, lingering questions remain about Terri's life and death. Fuhrman here applies all his highly respected investigative skills to the medical evidence, legal case files, and police records. The result is this sobering book.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]With the complete cooperation of Terri Schiavo's parents and siblings, as well as their medical and legal advisers, and exclusive interviews with forensics experts, friends of Terri, and Terri's caregivers, Fuhrman uncovers detail after shocking detail of the Schiavo case -- details that the liberal media overlooked in its haste to see Terri die. He reveals explosive facts about Terri's marriage, her condition when she collapsed (including the truth about her alleged "bulimia"), the bitter battles that went on for years between her parents and her husband Michael Schiavo, and the sparsely reported circumstances surrounding her death. He sifts through the evidence and frankly examines the oft-discussed possibility that Michael Schiavo strangled Terri, or that her condition was caused by his beating her. [/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Above all, Fuhrman proves that the death of Terri Schiavo was a legal homicide perpetrated by the State of Florida at the behest of Michael Schiavo -- who, while he always protested that he was doing it all for Terri, was actually in it always and only for himself. He demonstrates that Terri died because everyone failed her: the people charged with her care, the police, the politicians and judges involved with the case, and above all the man who claimed to care for her more than anyone else: her husband Michael Schiavo. Says Fuhrman of Terri's husband: "the control that he exerted over even the smallest details concerning her treatment, the efforts that he made to restrict access to her medical records and permission to visit her, and finally the stubbornness with which he pursued her legally sanctioned death -- is extreme to the point of suspicion."[/font]

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Fuhrman's conclusions about the details of the case are often surprising, always carefully weighed, and more urgent than ever -- now that the Left is doing its best to use the precedents set by the Schiavo case to narrow the right to life even further. Now that Terri is dead, the Schiavo controversy has dropped out of the headlines and talk shows. But the struggle for the defense of life rages on. The legal issues and ethical questions provoked by Terri Schiavo's extraordinary case may be hotly debated for years to come. [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Silent Witness[/font] reveals why the struggle to make sure there are no more Terri Schiavos is more urgent than ever.

[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mark Fuhrman reveals:[/font]

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]How, when she saw family members crippled and incapacitated, Terri Schiavo never mentioned that she would not want to be kept alive in such a state

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The marriage of Terri and Michael Schiavo: what it was really like (including details of their wedding, which, according to one eyewitness, was "all about him")

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The fateful events of the day that Terri collapsed

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Evidence that casts into doubt Michael Schiavo's repeated statements that Terri would have wanted to be disconnected from life support -- including his 1991 question, "How should I know what Terri wanted?"

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What Michael Schiavo did when he discovered Terri unconscious -- plus the curious circumstances of his 911 call

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Terri: did bulimia cause her collapse? Proof that she exhibited only two of the dozens of common symptoms of bulimia

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What the March 1991 bone scan report on Terri reveals about whether or not she was a victim of domestic abuse

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Michael Schiavo's depression and suicidal thoughts: and the chilling warning his doctor gave to Robert Schindler, Terri's father

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The "Do Not Revive" order that Michael insisted be added to Terri's medical file

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The affidavit from a nurse who cared for Terri that testifies to how responsive she really was during her long illness

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Judge George Greer: how he consistently ruled in favor of Michael Schiavo, no matter how many inconsistent and questionable judgments he had to make in order to do so

  • [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"This whole 'death with dignity' is nothing but a big lie": anguished statements from Terri's brother, Bobby Schindler, who witnessed her suffering[/font]
Let her rest. Too many people have too many selfish interests in this event.

RIP . . . . . .
Oh Jeezus frigging christmass. MARK FUHRMAN?? That racist, oppertunistic, bigoted, corrupted, prejudiced, lying-on-the-stand, evidence-planting, bastard?? WTF would he know about the Shaivo case? Credibility? ZERO. Nada. ZIP.

Bryan, this reach is MUCH WORSE than liberals putting Michael Moore on the pedistal. Cmon, really. Get a grip.
I didn't say I was a fan of him. I just found it curious that he mentions many of the same things I spoke of weeks ago. I think the guy rendered his wife unconscious and has been covering up that fact ever since. Just my opinion. Let's see how it plays out.

Looks like, smells like and tastes like, so it probably is.
Just like you Bryan to agree with an admitted liar. Just like you quote that druggie Rush. They both have as much credibility as GWB, none.
She died one of the most agonizing deaths a person can experience and you want to let her rest. You guys crack me up.
So, Mr. Medical Expert, how would you have ended her existance? How would you have ended your wife's existance?

Funny, the real experts said she had no higher functions of her brain. How would she feel pain? You don't know if she suffered so you should shut up and end this thread.
barry2952 said:
You don't know if she suffered so you should shut up and end this thread.
Well, I guess Barry has spoken! I'm impressed!

Prove she didn't feel the pain because I can tell you that she had millions of pain receptors shooting off signals. And so your justification for the cruel death was that she couldn't feel all the pain. Well, at least thanks for acknowledging that she was in pain.*owned* NEXT!

And smarty pants, I would have assisted her journey to eternal rest a decade ago. There are tons of medical procedures that can render a quick, painless death but I guess all the a-holes on the left like to see the pain and suffering. Must somehow make them feel all warm and rosy inside.

And we don't 'END' threads because the opposing argument makes too much damn sense and you can't handle it.

Bring It On. I've been up for 3 days and I'm ready/willing to do some swinging.argue2
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It's amazing how much you can beat this dead horse but shrug off all the info about how Shrub lied to get us into Iraq, with over 1700 of our troops dead and countless Iraqi citizens. See where your priorities lie.
MonsterMark said:
I didn't say I was a fan of him. I just found it curious that he mentions many of the same things I spoke of weeks ago.

anyone else find it curious?
indust82 said:
MonsterMark said:
I didn't say I was a fan of him. I just found it curious that he mentions many of the same things I spoke of weeks ago.

anyone else find it curious?

I certainly didn't mean to imply anything personnally with that remark.....the comparsion was simply that the two are way to right as far as politics go.
Jeb-Jeb has now stated that there is no evidence of foul play in her death. What do you have to say now Bryan?
MonsterMark said:
If that is the final conclusion, I think that is great and good for everybody involved.

IMHO You appear foolish Bryan.
Foolish, hell I took the other side of the argument. Don't think for a second you and Mr. Schaivo are vindicated. For all you know he is a murderer. But can it be proved beyond a reasonable doubt? After 15 years, probably not. It's not like there was a knife wound or gunshot wound. I could choke you out in 15 seconds and nobody would know what happened to you.

In the end, he probably choked her but it can't be proven so life moves on. Hell, how many abortions were performed in the last 15 years. These were humans that didn't even have a say if they lived or died. Or how many third-trimester partial birth abortions were performed. All you guys that got so upset because some loving parents tried to save their daughters life are the same people that have no problem drilling into a baby's head and sucking their brains out. You are the ones that look like the fool. You bitch because we have lost 1700 lives over in Iraq but yet tens of thousands of lives have been spared and you could care less for those lives.
The left is full of hypocrites. I could on and on all day pointing out the hypocrisy.
Now you really look foolish. Comparing abortion to lost soldier's lives. You are wierd.
barry2952 said:
Now you really look foolish. Comparing abortion to lost soldier's lives. You are wierd.
What's really weird is you can't see the similarities. A life is a life. No matter young or old, black or white, hispanic or asian. You should mourn for the lost fetuses the same way you mourn for a lost soldier. In the case of the soldier, at least that life was lost for a good purpose, not because of an inconvenience.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
Oh Jeezus frigging christmass. MARK FUHRMAN?? That racist, oppertunistic, bigoted, corrupted, prejudiced, lying-on-the-stand, evidence-planting, bastard?? WTF would he know about the Shaivo case? Credibility? ZERO. Nada. ZIP.

Bryan, this reach is MUCH WORSE than liberals putting Michael Moore on the pedistal. Cmon, really. Get a grip.

Right, I'll bet you read Clinton's book though, huh? I believe he was convicted of lying on the stand, and I'm not even getting started on his list of heinous acts.
barry2952 said:
Now you really look foolish. Comparing abortion to lost soldier's lives. You are wierd.

Notice how libs always resort to personal attacks rather than sticking to the issues.
Ya know Barry, I'll be polite and just say you are full of crap. Here is what the medical examiner had to say about the cause of Terry's death.

The autopsy left unanswered the question of why Terri Schiavo’s heart temporarily stopped, cutting off oxygen to her brain. A medical examiner was unable to determine with reasonable certainty a “manner of death.”

Simple, he choked her out in a late night battle and then she stopped breathing. He waited 45 minutes to call 911 while he 'collected' his thoughts and fabricated an excuse.

Certainly sounds as reasonable as she fell down because she wasn't eating properly. The spouse should always be considered the #1 suspect when it comes to cases like this. Especially with a control-freak husband like it sounds she had.

Hell, even the brother testified when he came over that she was lying by herself, face down, gurgling in her own fluids, while loving hubby was off elsewhere doing whatever.

Sad case. The guy got away with it. God will settle it.

fossten said:
Right, I'll bet you read Clinton's book though, huh? I believe he was convicted of lying on the stand, and I'm not even getting started on his list of heinous acts.

?? What does Clinton or his book have to do w/ this topic?? More RWW diversionary tactics? But I'll address your insinuation anyway......... NO I have not read his book. But I highly doubt that it contains anything close to something like what initiated this post: some clueless person passing judgment on a legal case.
barry2952 said:
Jeb-Jeb has now stated that there is no evidence of foul play in her death. What do you have to say now Bryan?

:dancefool :monkey: :dj: :wrench :wave :zgreenbou
JohnnyBz00LS said:
:dancefool :monkey: :dj: :wrench :wave :zgreenbou

This is sick. I have never seen so many people celebrate a person's death. Or want someone to die so badly. This is really sick.
Try reading the thread fossten, you might get it then.

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