The Pope in the hot sheet...


Dedicated LVC Member
May 17, 2005
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Santa Rosa, Ca
Muslim religious leaders have accused Pope Benedict XVI of quoting anti-Islamic remarks during a speech at a German university this week.

Questioning the concept of holy war, he quoted a 14th-Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things.

A senior Pakistani Islamic scholar, Javed Ahmed Gamdi, said jihad was not about spreading Islam with the sword.
Turkey' s top religious official asked for an apology for the "hostile" words.

In Indian-administered Kashmir, police seized copies of newspapers which reported the Pope' s comments to prevent any tension.

A Vatican spokesman, Father Frederico Lombardi, said he did not believe the Pope' s comments were meant as a harsh criticism of Islam.

In his speech at Regensburg University, the Pope explored the historical and philosophical differences between Islam and Christianity and the relationship between violence and faith.

Stressing that they were not his own words, he quoted Emperor Manual II Paleologos of the Byzantine Empire, the Orthodox Christian empire which had its capital in what is now the Turkish city of Istanbul.

The emperors words were, he said: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Benedict said "I quote" twice to stress the words were not his and added that violence was "incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul".

The Pope is due to visit Turkey in November and the Turkish response was swift and strong, the BBC' s Sarah Rainsford reports from Istanbul.

Religious leader Ali Bardakoglu said the Pope' s comments represented what he called an "abhorrent, hostile and prejudiced point of view".

Whilst Muslims might express their criticism of Islam and of Christianity, he argued, they would never defame the Holy Bible or Jesus Christ.

He said he hoped the Pope' s speech did not reflect "hatred in his heart" against Islam.

Many Turks see Benedict as a Turkophobe and commentators call his words just before the holy month of Ramadan "ill-timed and ill-conceived", our correspondent adds.


Personally, I am getting sick of the Muslim community expecting everyone else to 'walk on eggshells' when addressing anything of Islam. I am no fan of the Pope, but the guy quotes a 14th century passage, says it does not represent his views and the Muslims still get their panties in a bunch. Pathetic.
Well, to prove to the world how incorrect that passage was, Muslims have held massive violent protests, burnt the Pope in effigy, and they have begun destroying churches in Palestine...
95DevilleNS said:

Whilst Muslims might express their criticism of Islam and of Christianity, he argued, they would never defame the Holy Bible or Jesus Christ.

This is probably true, however they have no qualms about persecuting Christians or destroying Christian churches, nor does the leftist press find these actions newsworthy.
They are demanding an apology from the pope, wonder who and what they will blow up. I wish we could just quarantine all the extremist in a few countries and let them blow eachother up. destroying churches, wtf is that. they would use a mans words as justification to destroy a place of worship of another religion. May god be with them if we ever elect an immoral? president. I have an open mind about the after life, but these believers and followers of muhammed better be right, or their going to have a terrible after life. I have come to the conclusion of Pascal.

Pascal’s Wager

Blaise Pascal, a 17th century mathematician, argued as follows:

1. Either I can believe in God (and act accordingly) or I can choose not to.

2. If I believe in God, and God exists, then my reward will be infinite (heaven).

3. If I believe in God, and God does not exist, then there will be a small cost (waste of time going to church, etc.).

4. On the other hand, if I don’t believe in God, but God exists, then my punishment will be infinite (hell).

5. And if I don’t believe in God, and God doesn’t exist, then there will only be a small benefit (not wasting my time going to church, etc.).

6. Therefore, I am infinitely better off if I believe in God. I would be a fool not to believe.
"Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

Sounds pretty accurate to me. Islam is and always will be a cancer on this Earth. We know it, the Pope knows it, and the Eastern Empire knew it (and they are history because of Islam).

It's amazing what we can learn from the past- too bad we still doomed to repeat it.

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