The real John Kerry...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Posted by someone else but I could have written it myself.

Kerry never asked for any help for the POWs or for the S. Vietnamese.

He was a mouthpiece for the enemy. Why? Personal political gain.

Kerry only signed up for the Navy Reserve because that was the least likely group to go into combat in VietNam.

And then only because he couldn't get another deferment to go to Paris.

He wasn't rated to command any ship and so he went for theSwift boats to emmulate JFKennedy. They were suppose to not be in major combat, so he thought. Surprise! Mission change just as he was arriving.

Why was he late by 18 days????

He got out with scratches. Was in a position to write the AARs to his benefit.

His chain of command and others wanted him gone so nobody was interested or concerned how he got out.

He came back to US and with the Kennedy's advising he became a mouthpiece for the VVAW. They saw that the group did not have a credible leader and Kerry was perfect to fill the void. Instantly he had a following because he brought money and Kennedy clout to the cause.

Kerry was using them, the POWs, the Viet Nam war, and the fear and sorrow of the American people for his own personal gain. Read his speeches and you hear nothing constructive that would help America or the troops or the POW/MIAs.

Now they want to say stopping the war saved people? Well, sure anytime a war ends some people are saved BUT who were the people who DID die and PAY for it?

The millions of S. Vietnamese, the MIAs never accounted for,
POWs who were held longer and dishonored by many for the rest of their lives, the loss of democracy for the Vietnamese FOREVER.


Posted by CTW.

And new information reveals that Kerry met with the UN security council before we went into Iraq. The hole is very deep and so far all we have is a flashlight to peer into the chasm.

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