The stupid offers you see online..


"Hey man, cracks can be fixed... maybe someone can use it"


"Never mind"
i've seen worse repaired. but yeah, not worth it. plenty of extras around.
That's more than cracked... that's downright chunked.
Oh, come on, you can make a nice centerpiece for a front yard flower garden. Just put the broken side on the bottom, it's a natural flat spot to keep the wheel in place. And people will say "Now THIS is the house of a real LS fanboy!" :D
Either or, would hate to drop my sandwich in an interior of such a color.
Actually, it was a post about a 2000 Lincoln LS for $15,000, in a thread titled "The stupid offers you see online"

... and Actually, low Kilometers, not miles, it's Actually a Canadian LS.
Actually, it was a post about a 2000 Lincoln LS for $15,000, in a thread titled "The stupid offers you see online"

... and Actually, low Kilometers, not miles, it's Actually a Canadian LS.

I was going to order a 2002 with the same colors. Then, 9/11 happened and I decided to scratch that.

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