The worst accident.

Bob Hubbard

Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
The thread on this theme was kind of long so I wanted to add to it in a new post.
I won't describe the two worst accident I have ever seen except to say, they both ended in be-headings.
The point I want to make here is this.
I looked at the pictures posted in that thread and, one thought comes to mind.
What is wrong with the design of these vehicles that they would be completely split in half in an accident?
These are not the first time I have seen one of these small cars splt in half as the result of an accident.
Take a look at my 59 Continental.
I don't think any thing short of a bomb could split my car into seperate halves like the car shown in the thread.
These cars built(and I use that term loosely) today, are nothing more than rolling death traps.
The metals and plastics offer no protection for complete structural failure in an accident.
I remember a few years ago, there was a horrible accident on the SanBernadino freeway in Los Angeles involving a semi trailer truck and a Continental MKV and a car carrier, travelling east , just outside the downtown area.
The Mark v hit the car carrier in the rear, causing the rear car on the carrier, loaded on the top rails, to roll of the top and land on the mark v.
The mark v sustained damage to the front from the windshield forward but the driver was still able to escape from the vehicle by crawling up through the moon roof.
It was a herific accident but, the mark v being of heavy metal was more than likley the determining factor why the driver lived and sustained only minor injuries.
From the windshield to the rear, the mark v wasan't touched.
I can only imagine what the resutls would have been if the car were a product of the last ten years of manufacture.
It would have to have been scraped off the freeway with a bulldozer.
Give me the heavy metal cars of the past any day.
I would much rather have 3 tons of steel protecting me front and rear as oppossed to 2 lbs of rubber and plastic on todays cars.
i agree that cars today arent built like they used to b but most of the real bad accidents u c involve some stupid prick doin somthin stupid goin to fast ,takin a turn to quick ,tryin to fot where he cant ,i mean ya older cars might b able to take more beatin but when u get some guy that thinks he is invincible behind the wheel ur gonna get messed up results i had my time where i thought i was invincible one totaled car later i realize it was stupid
:I But also you must consider the safety of the interior of the car. I also have a 1979 Olds Cutlass Supreme I am trying to restore. Compared to the Town Car I own, which is 18 years newer, the only protection my Cutlass has, is a seat belt and a padded dashboard. That still dosen't protect me from the objects jutting out from the face of that dash that could impale me. objects like climate control / radio control knobs or the wiper button, not to mentoin that the Cutlass' interior does not have any soft padding along the "A" pillar or the fact that the windshield is much closer to me in this car too. Granted the '79 Cutlass could withstand a hit from another vehicle better than a '97 Town Car. (with the iron-girder bumpers and more durable body panels) But, honestly, am I really safer in the better-built Cutlass or even a Lincoln or Cadillac from the same era?
One final thought: the way I see it is, if the higher entity that controls our destiny wants us to go, is it really going to matter if we're in an H-1 Hummer or a Honda S-2000 or even a 1973 Cadillac Fleetwood?
I agree with what both of you said but, the point I was trying to make is that the cars built today , and for the last 15 years, are rolling death traps due to their inferior construction.
The thread showing that car split in half is proof enough.
As I strated before, that car is not the first that I have see split in half after an accident.
If you are old enough to remember cars of the 50's and 60's, how many do you remember splitting in half in an accident?
I think it fair to say, none.
The cars built today do offer more safety features for passangers but, I really don't think they would be of any benifit when the vehicle splits in half on impact.
I'll take my chances in the old metal.
My Dakota pickup is a year old and as much as I like it, I am always fearful of being involved in an accident with it.
The body metal is so cheezy and cheap.
Unfourtanetly, all vehicles today are like that.
:I Especially with the Dakota thing. I also have a 2001 Dakota and I don't feel nearly as safe in it as in BOTH my other vehicles. I do think, however that the way cars seem to split up easier today might have to do with unibodies-vs-frame-on construction also.It's just a thought to be taken into consideration. I mean, so many of today's cars & light trucks are made in a unibody style, hence, there's no frame to hold the vehicle togheter. I don't know, It's just a thought....... :rolleyes:
i think the unibody design is a big part another is the fact that what used to b heavy metal is now plastic alot of new cars market dent resistant body ya they r plastic that flex right out to me thats not a plus also its just the fact that they want to just make everything as cheap as possible screw quality they gor for quantity

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