Two weeks ago I drove the car back from Arizona (1,850 miles). I feel fortunate to have made it without incident. Every morning for the past two weeks I've noticed a faint, sweet scent of burning anti-freeze. No leak was visible. This morning, about 15 minutes into my morning commute I see clouds of smoke coming out the back. Pulled over, raised the hood and there is steam coming from the front of the engine. Also the thermostat area is wet. Took the cap off the Degas(?) tank to relieve pressure and made it back home (about 12 miles)....never over heated. Tonight I went out to try to find the leak. I barely moved one of the smaller hoses coming out of the top of the thermostat housing and the fitting snapped off without any effort. Anyway, I ordered a new Dorman thermostat housing, Motorcraft thermostat and serpentine belt (the original has 126,000 miles on it and is now contaminated with anti-freeze). Anyone know the torque spec on the thermostat housing bolts? Also any other words of advice would be appreciated as I see from reading this forum that cooling issues are very common on this car.
Thank You.
Thank You.