Thermostat issues....


Well-Known LVC Member
Nov 11, 2005
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I have read a few threads previously submitted on overheating the LS. I called my local Lincoln dealership and they quoted me @ $475 for a $40 thermostat replacement. OUTRAGEOUS! I havn't had the opportunity to look at my car (i'm stuck at work) and I'm curious where its located, and how difficult of job am I looking at? I appreciate all your input.

d r e w
If you have a V8....

the themostat is very easy to get to.

- you have to drain the cooling system.

- the themostat is in the 'cooling tower' (black plastic tower in front center of the engine in front of the intake manifold). The themostat can be removed and replaced quickly from there. The tower is #15 on the diagram - you can see the themopstat in the front.

you da man. Ya I got the V8. I'm hoping to tackle this issue this weekend. Im also going to have AutoZone run through my computer to make sure the head temp sensor isn't failing. Any recommendations or preferences between auto parts store's thermostat & dealership's?? Thanks again...

d r e w

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